Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

I woke up at six since I have to work today. UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!! I work at mc Donald's. It's a good job but a bad job at the same time. I got our if bed and put on a T and some yoga pants. Time to go whoop whoop!! I walked out and got into my moms at and drove of.


I walked in and saw Sarah. "Oh hey Alex can you take this register" she said "sure" I walked behind the counter and went behind the register just as the door rang. Well jingled. The person walked up to my register great. "hi welcome to mc Donald's how may I help you" I said cheerily. "ummmmmm I will have a mcmuffin hash brown pancakes and a large orange juice" "yeah is that all" I questioned "hehe Nope" said the curly haired boy. "ok what else" "we need 4 pancakes and 4 orange juices oh and I would like your number if possible you know" I looked at him and smiled he smiled back and then his smile faded when I said "Food possible number not anyways your total will be $43.95" "here you are love" "thanks your food will be over there." I started walking around trying to find something but I don't know what. I'm weird I know. Don't judge. I tripped and fell when my boss yelled that my shift was over. I did a happy dance. Grabbed my stuff and ran out. I was in my car and my phone whistled at me. Haha it must think I'm sexy. I read the text that was from Kori hmm.



Meet us at the park it's important. Like I'm dying! 😵


From:AlexLynn 💋

Ok I'm on my way don't go into the light.

That's when my life trundled upside down like literally!



Hey peeps I know it's short I'll update soon sorry about the cliff hanger. BYE THE WAY Kori is played by my BESTFRIEND

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