Chapter 33

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When we got to the party the smell of acahoal filled my nose. I cringed a bit I mean the boys didn't tell us what kind of party we were going to but I guess this is it. Ok well I won't let this ruin my night so here goes nothing we all walked in and the boys imediatly left us to socolize and drink except Liam. I mean he socolized but didn't drink. Kori and I just sat down and talked drank some pop and ate food you know stuff normal people do.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hour Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

About an hour later Zayn came up to me obviously drunk I could smell it when he walked over.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy Babyyyyyyyyyy" he said breathing in my face I cringed and answered in sorta monetone "Hey what do you need?"

"Imma go to the lou" he said and Liam walked up behind him. "Ya then were gonna leave"

"Ooookkkk" All the boys answered drunkenly this caused giggles to irrupte from Kori's and I's mouths. We both looked at eachother did we just giggle.

Zayn was taking a long time so I went to go find him so we could leave. When i found him the sight i saw was heartbreaking.

Zayn's P.O.V

I know what I was doing was wrong but it felt so right I mean Mia was right there and her lips were so kissable. I was kinda sober right now so I don't know what got into me. The thing that inturupted us was a sob. I broke away and turned around to see Alex standing there, Oh No what did I do.

"Alex It's not what it looks like" I said

"No, Zayn I think its exactly what she thinks it looks like." Mia said I glared at her and ripped her off of me to chase after Alex who was running away with Kori. I think all the boys were sober now because they all looked at me and said

"What Happened" In sync

"I messed Up" was all I said.

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