Chapter 7

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Liam's P.O.V

We chased her down the airport until we caught up to her. Dang that girl can run. Wait Liam this is no time for jokes, you have a girl crying because your best mate was talking about her. "Alex he didn't mean it I swear on my life." Zayn said to her. "How do you know he didn't mean it" "Because we do he is just upset because his girlfriend broke up with him for some other guy." I added "Promise" she asked quietly "pinky promise" I said. She laughed at my childish ways, but soon held up her pinky too. "All better" Zayn asked "well with you guys with Harry no not until he apologizes" she said "fine then lets get back and he can apologize then we should be ready to get on the plane" I said. Man its only her first day and Harry is already starting drama. Way to go harry. Wait a minute when Harry said about her cutting she said that we don't even understand what does that mean.

"Hey Alex"


" When harry said about you cutting you told him that we don't even understand what does that mean" I questioned Zayn looked at her too "yeah what Liam said."

"Well I used to but stopped I've been bullied since 3rd grade and I was suppose to have to brothers one older and one younger." she sighed "Well I had and older brother and as we were growing  up he was always there then our little brother came along I was 10 and Kean was 12 he died 2 days after we brought him home we found out that my dad had cancer and so did he. By time 3rd grade came around my dad died and everyone said it was my fault. I never realized what they were doing." she was in tears by now " When I got into 8 th grade I understood and it wouldn't stop so I started to cut Kori made me stop and after I did I only had four scars by time she caught me 2 on each wrist. Then we became friends with Lottie, Lily, and Li. They were always there along with my brother. One day when I was 15 and Kean was 17 I asked him to take me to Kori's for a big sleepover. I never showed up that night." she said "why" Zayn asked. She sniffled "A big Semi came out of no where and hit us on my brothers side. I made it out with only a concussion, sprained ankle, and wrist. Kean was in a coma for awhile then one day his heart stopped and he died." She wiped her tears then continued. "It took me awhile to realize that he was gone I treated it as if it was a dream. I started to cut again so now I have 10 scars 5 on each wrist. That's why I wear all the bracelets It was never for attention it was because I lost someone who I cared for the most and everyone said that it was my fault that he died." she was full on bawling by now. Harry really hurt her.

Zayn's P.O.V

Harry better be nice to her from now on or else.

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