Chapter 24: Don't get Bullied by your Sibiling

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Rule #37: Don't get Bullied by your Sibling

Especially your old brother.  

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Cousin Bettie and Archer are hanging out pretty often these days. Ever since she invited him to Family Board Games night and won, he's been spending more time with her. 

She showed him her vast collection of lame classics - Withering Heights, Romeo and Juliet - and he showed her his artwork. She introduced him to her friends (who keep telling her to get laid. I know because she talks to them when I'm pretending to sleep) while he introduced to his horse and dog. 

Yeah. They all seem to be getting along just fine. 


Today, since it's so sunny and cheerful outside, our two families have formed a mural alliance to enjoy the great weather. Whereas everybody else tans on the beach or splashes in the ocean, I sit under an umbrella on the steps of the porch. 


"Even Buster's playing with her," I sulk. "I thought dogs were supposed to be loyal." 

"Stop looking at the dog, Peyton," Andrew's face fills up half of the screen. As soon as I told him that Bettie was with Archer, he demanded a video session. "Focus on Archer. What's he doing right now?" 

I glance at the two friends.

Bettie mentioned the fact that Archer was going to teach her how to surf today so it's no surprise when I see him in a blue wetsuit and surfboard. On the other hand, Bettie was forced to wear a tight bikini by her mother. By her red face and satisfied smile, I'm not sure if she likes or hates all the attentions she's getting. 

"Archer is standing and smiling." 

"He's always standing and smiling. Anything else?" 

"Is he flirting with her?" Demands Jake. 

Archer laughs at Bettie, who's just failed another attempt to surf. He pats her head. She blushes once again. 

I think I feel a little sick. 

"Yeah, but Archer flirts with everybody so it doesn't count." 

"What about Bettie?" Demands Jake, whose face fills up the other half of the screen. "Is she flirting with him?" 

"I don't know if she knows how to." 

"Are they touching?"

I look up again. It's a good thing I'm wearing sunglasses. Bettie shrieks as a wave crashes on top of them. Archer pulls her closer and she wraps her arms around his neck. 

"Yeah. They're touching." 

Both of them curse at the same time. 

"You nerds need to calm down," Irene says from the background "Just because Archer's been hanging out with Bettie recently, it doesn't mean he's going to replace her." 

I say nothing.

This situation is all too familiar with one from my past. The past where Gwen - my best friend with large glasses and a love for science - walked away with Xavier, my boyfriend, before I could even realize what was going on.

Andrew calls my name to snap me out of my daze.

He says. "We need to make a plan to get rid of Bettie." 

Jake says. "I agree."

Irene says. "You're all idiots." 

I say nothing.

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