IV. Hi Again

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(song: believer by american authors)

"I'm just a believer that things will get better, some can take it or leave it, but I don't wanna let it go!" I sing at the top of my lungs while my headphones block out all sounds from the outside. Nothing feels better than being at work alone with no customers, singing whatever song plays as loud as you possibly can, dancing as ridiculously as possible.

"Maybe when I get older and I'm in the ground, the weight's off my shoulders it was bringing me down! I've never been that lucky, I've never tasted fame, I'm always looking for something but I hate changing!" I spin and whip my hair around and most likely look like a total maniac to anyone who might see me, but who cares?

The door rings as it opens but obviously I don't hear it since my headphones are preventing me from hearing anything besides my music. So when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I guess you can assume that I got scared. But then your assumption would be incorrect because I didn't just get scared; I nearly had a heart attack, fainted, and shit my pants all at the same time. Nearly.

I screamed as loud as my voice allowed me to in reaction, and swung my arms around to hurt the potential rapist/murderer. Yes, that is my technique for self defense. The person who scared me seemed kind of freaked out by my reaction and when I finally recomposed myself, I found myself to be standing in front of Harry. Oh. Why is he back here?

"Uh, you okay there?"

"Um, yeah, yeah I'm fine. Why'd you scare me like that?"

"Hey you were the one scaring me, I thought you were having some type of exorcism with the way you were shouting and shaking your head."

Oh. Well I guess my dancing and singing could scare people. Maybe I should care a little about how I appear just so I don't get sent to a mental hospital for acting crazy.

"Sorry about that. What are you doing here in the first place though?"

"Uh, um Paris wanted..another CD and told me to go get it..."

I nod at him suspiciously, why did he seem so unsure of his answer?

"Okay, what CD does she want? And hurry up, I have to continue my exorcism soon and you're wasting my time," I joke and hope he knows I'm not serious. Harry does and he chuckles. He has a nice smile...

"She didn't specify, she said to just get her anything. She wants to start a whole 'collection' of CDs."

"Umm okay, well is there anything you were thinking of getting her?"

"No, I figured I could just ask you for something. What do you think I should get her?"

"I don't think we really have the same music tastes though, I'm not sure if she'd like my picks," I say, remembering her last CD request. I don't listen to any rap or hip hop music of any sorts. I'm more of an indie person.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine with what she gets. What music do you listen to? I'll just get her whatever you recommend."

"Um, you could get her New Politics. I like them."

"Can you play me a little of them? So I can see if Paris will like them, of course," he quickly adds at the end.


"Yeah sure. Come with me."

I lead him to my favorite section of the store and find the CD I've played multiple times, A Bad Girl In Harlem. I play the songs track by track and get comfy on the couch beside Harry, who insists on listening to the whole album so he can make sure Paris will like it. I guess he's a dedicated boyfriend.

While we both listen to each track I bob my head to each song but occasionally stop myself, remembering how weird I look when I dance.

"You can dance if you want, ya know," Harry says when he notices me awkwardly sitting.

"No, I look weird when I dance, I can only dance when I know I'm alone."

"Oh come on. You're not upset with what I said, are you?" He looked pretty concerned for a second. He actually cares about if his insults affect me?

"No, I just feel self-conscious sometimes."

"You don't have to feel self-conscious around me." There's a look in his eyes and I can't tell what it means but it seems so genuine, so kind. So different from the attitude and harsh look he had yesterday.

I can't think of a response so I just smile at him and continue to listen intently, swaying back and forth during Overcome and singing along loudly to Just Like Me. I can feel Harry staring at me every time I move or every time I start to sing a little louder than before, but I don't care if he's judging me at this point. It was his choice to stay here with me.

"Though we've only met, I want to wake up in your bed. Scars are beautiful to me, a heart that beats is a heart that bleeds," I quietly sing along to my favorite track on the album and I know Harry is staring at me, but I don't care. It's my favorite song off the album, it's impossible to not sing along to it.

But before the song gets to the chorus, a deafening alarm begins to ring and I jump at the sudden sound, as does Harry. Shit, the fire alarm. I turn off the CD player as quickly as I can and drag Harry out of the store after I make sure I have my purse and cellphone. Once we're outside, the sight is enough to bring tears to my eyes.


+ hey guys! ooh cliffhanger, kind of. I tried.

the song she was singing at the beginning of the chapter is called Believer by American Authors, if anyone was wondering

can we get the story up to 45 votes before I post the next chapter?

love youuuu xx

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