XII. About That...

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(song: lean by banglade$h)

Harry's POV

By the time I leave Brandy Melville, my arms feel as if they're about to fall off because of the amount of bags I'm carrying. I should've asked someone for help. No, Ren asked you to get her these things, you don't need help from anyone else. I sigh and make my way over to Starbucks. All the way on the other side of the mall. God help me.

What did she want me to order her anyway? Quad... Quad venti something with three pumps of some crap... And there was cinnamon too, and vanilla, I think... I need to call her and ask.


"Hi, what did you want me to order for you at Starbucks?"

"Oh I wanted a," she pauses for a moment to remember what she ordered, "A quad half caf venti three pump vanilla three pump hazelnut soy extra hot no foam with whip and cinnamon sprinkles latte."

"Geez I thought you were the kind of person to just order a hot chocolate or something simple like that..."

"Are you criticizing my order, Harry?"

"No, no, I'm just saying. I'll be back at Good Tunes in like twenty minutes with your stuff."

"Okay bye."


Now if only I can remember that drink as easily as she can. Quad half caf venti three pump vanilla, three pump hazelnut soy extra hot no foam with whip and cinnamon sprinkles latte. I repeat it in my head a few times while I wait in line. Just before I go to order the drink, I hear a high-pitched call for my name.

Slowly, I turn around and face the person I was hoping to not run into today.

"Paris, hey," I lean in and peck her cheek.

"Baby what are you doing here with all those bags? I thought you hated shopping!"

Crap. What's a believable lie I can tell her?

"Um, yeah I do, but my mom forced me to go shopping and buy a bunch of stuff for Gemma."

"Ohhh, okay. Can you come with me to buy some new clothes? I need stuff to match the shoes I just bought."

"I've been here all day," I lie, "I'm so tired, can't you shop without me?" Please say yes and leave me alone.

"But I miss you babyyy," she coos and I nearly cringe.

"I miss you too, but I wanna go home, all right? I'll see you later."

"Aren't you happy to see me though? Harry you should want to hang out with me whether you're tired or not."

"I do want to hang out with you Paris, just not now."

"Too bad. You're coming with me."


"We're going shopping. Don't you dare make another excuse."

I sigh in defeat, there's no point in arguing anymore. "Fine."

I manage to convince Paris to let me drop the bags of clothes for Ren in my car before we continue shopping and pull my phone out of my pocket when she's not looking. I start to send a text to Ren.

To: Ren
Change of plans, Paris wants to go shopping with me. I'll be back in a couple hours.

Hopefully she doesn't get mad at me. I already feel bad enough and it really upsets me that she's so angry at me. I understand why, but knowing Ren, I thought that she wouldn't hold a grudge for so long. Did I really affect her that much? It wasn't even that big of a deal. Yeah, I'm the son of the man who owns a huge corporation and is a millionaire, but that doesn't change anything about how I act around Ren.

Until We Meet Again // H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now