XIX. Date

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(song: brand new day by kodaline)

Two months. I have had two months laying in bed to plan for this date with Harry, and now I'm standing in front of my closet, stressing over what to wear. Is it supposed to be casual? Fancy? What the hell am I supposed to do with my hair? I've never been on a date before.

Oh my God.

I've never been on a date before.

What do I do?! I need to talk to someone before I rip my hair out. Do I call Harry? Or would that be weird? Maybe I should just call Steve, he can help me.

"Hello?" He answers the phone.


"Ren!" Steve mocks me.

"I need help, I'm stressing about this date."

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Thank you!"

Fifteen minutes later, Steve rings my doorbell repeatedly until I open the door.

"You're late."

Steve raises his eyebrows at me.

"By five minutes," he laughs. I groan in response and drag him by the wrist to my room.

"You need to help me, I have no idea what to wear."

"Did Harry tell you where you're going?"

"No, he said it's a surprise. I'm freaking out, do you think he'll take me someplace fancy? Should I wear a dress? I don't have any dresses that fit me. What if I overdress? I'll look so--"

"Ren, calm down!" Steve grips my shoulders and chuckles at my slight meltdown.

"If you don't know where you're going, the best thing you can do is look nice, but don't try too hard. Wear like a skirt or something, but wear a jacket and leave your hair natural. You'll look like you tried to look nice, but not too nice. Okay?"

I take a deep breath.

"Okay." Why is dating so stressful? I called Steve all the way over here so he can tell me to wear a skirt. I rummage through my closet to find a skirt and come across a pale orange one, like Harry's favorite color. I pull it out instantly. I continue looking through my closet for the rest of my outfit while Steve sits on my bed and goes on his phone. So much for the help, Steve.

After picking out my only jean jacket, I find a white, lace bandeau among other tops and decide on wearing it since it looks the nicest out of the rest with my skirt. My only remaining problem is shoes. I can never decide on what shoes to wear, which is mainly why I usually wear the same pair every day. I hold up a pair of boots and a pair of flats to Steve.

"Which ones?"

"The boots, you can't go wrong with them."

"True," I say and throw the flats back in the closet, "Now get out so I can change."

"You're bossy when you're stressed," he laughs and walks out.

After I get dressed, I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss. It's a very minimal amount of makeup, but Steve would tell me if I need more. I call him back into my room to check my outfit. I spin in front of my mirror a couple times just to look at my skirt pan out and flow around my waist.

"You look gorgeous, Ren," he says with a smile in the doorway. I stop spinning and smile back.

"Thanks. What time is it?"

"One thirty. What time is Harry picking you up?"

"Two o'clock."

"You excited?"

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