V. Flames

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(song: the big bang by rock mafia)

I cover my mouth with my hand to silence my sobs. There it is, the devil itself devouring the sushi restaurant next door, and starting to consume up Good Tunes as well. How did that even happen? The sounds of screaming people and loud sirens fade away as I watch firefighters attempt to save the only place I consider home. Tons of water shoot out of hoses and crowds start to form around the burning buildings.

As tears freely pour out of my eyes and my hope is diminishing, I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and pull me closer. It's Harry. I peel my eyes away from the fire that is either enlarging or dying down; I can't tell because my vision is blurred and all I see is orange. Nuzzling my head into Harry's neck and wrapping my arms tightly around his waist, I sob as he rubs circles on my back and shushes me softly, the sound of his voice in my ear the only thing keeping me from losing my mind right now.

"It's okay, don't cry.... They're putting out the fire, it'll be fine... The store will be okay, we'll be okay... Shhh..." His words comfort me and although tears keep flowing down my cheeks, I manage to stop sobbing and Harry and I stand in silence in each other's arms.

"Hey, look, they put the fire out. See, everything's fine love," Harry tells me and pulls away from our embrace with a soft smile. I turn around and half expect the building to appear good as new, but know it won't be anywhere near that unscathed due to the amount of fire that was already on it when we walked out. The whole top right corner of the building is black and looks so weak that the smallest gust of wind can make it collapse. At least it wasn't the whole building, I keep reminding myself. That's all that matters right now.

A police officer walks up to me as I'm staring at the building.

"Ma'am, do you work at that store?" He asks and points behind him to Good Tunes.


"Are you the manager?"

"No, I'm just an employee. The manager is out of town to visit family."

"I suggest you inform him of the fire and have him contact us and the fire department so we can figure out renovation prices and what his insurance will cover, do you have any way to contact him?"

"Yes I have his number, I'll call him now." I take out my phone and call Steve, dreading to tell him about the fire. He'll be so upset, he loves the place as much as I do. Or probably more since he's the manager and all. I don't want to be the one to break the news to him.

But I do it anyway and after a few times of assuring him that I'm not playing a cruel joke, I tell him to talk to the officer and discuss everything. I hand him my phone and turn back to Harry who has been standing there awkwardly for the past ten minutes.

"So... What now?" He asks.

"Uh, I guess we go home?" For a second, I think I see disappointment in his eyes, but he quickly recovers and nods his head.

"Yeah, um I'll see you later. Bye." He looks like he's about to reach out for a hug but doesn't and waves instead.

"Bye," I wave back. A minute later the officer gives me my phone back and I put it back in my bag. Ugh. Now I have to get back to the Smiths house. Great. I walk as slow as possible back to the house and pray that both of my parents are at work and not home on their lunch breaks. Unfortunately they somehow have the same lunch hour, so I would have to manage with both of them at home. I wouldn't be able to deal with them after all this, I just want to go to bed and take a long nap and forget about everything.

I get to the house and am beyond glad that my prayers have been answered and no one is home. I go to the hallway closet and grab a few blankets and go on the couch in the living room and turn the TV on; Friends is on. Perfect. I snuggle up and watch an episode I've seen at least twenty times, still laughing as hard as I did the first time. This show never fails to put a smile on my face no matter what kind of mood I'm in. At some point in the second episode I can no longer keep my eyes open and fall asleep.

Until We Meet Again // H.S. AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ