VI. Harry's POV

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(song: riptide by vance joy)

I tried to follow the path she took back home. I know, I know, I'm being a total creep right now, but for some reason, I just want to talk to her. I went to the music shop again today just because I hoped I would see her again. I feel like shit though since I have Paris, but this girl really interests me. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because she seems so different. Ever since I was five I've been surrounded by rich, posh, snobby people who only care about themselves and their money and status. I kind of became the same since I was raised that way, and yeah I'm kind of egotistical but it's because I don't know anything else. Always putting myself before others and being the best out of everyone, it's just how things are.

But the girl at the music store is so different from all the people I know. Everyone in my neighborhood has fancy clothes and all the girls wear skirts or dresses, everyone has a lot of money, and everyone puts themselves before others. This girl, however, is like the complete opposite. When I saw her she was wearing shorts and a tank top that read "wasted youth" in funny fonts. Her hair went from brown at the roots to blonde at the tips whereas all the people I'm surrounded by have a solid hair color unless they're old people whose hair are starting to grey. She was playful and annoying when she spoke to me, unlike the serious and monotonous people I know. The things she said to me the first day we met annoyed me but still, I wanted to see her again because she was different. And all my life I thought I hated different, but it wasn't until I met her that I started to change my mind.

So now, even though I spent some time with her in Good Tunes earlier today, I'm trying to find her so I can "accidentally" bump into her and spend some more time with her.

Just as I'm about to turn a corner I think she turned, she turns the one across from me and walks straight ahead of me. Well that made this easier. I follow at a close enough distance so I can still see where she's going, but far enough so she doesn't suspect she's being followed. This is the first time I've ever followed someone like this. It's so nerve-wracking but so exciting at the same time. I rarely do exciting things anymore, I'm forced to stay in the same boring neighborhood with the same boring people and the same boring, clingy girlfriend all the time. It gets tiring after a while. So now, after fourteen years of being content with my life but never being fully excited or doing anything out of the ordinary, I'm following a girl I may have a crush on and I don't even know her name.

I follow her to what looks like a park, it's pretty small and no one else is there. It looks nice, it has an abundance of trees all around, some flowers scattered about the grass, and a small fountain in the center. She is walking towards an empty area of grass in a corner of the park and I have to be quick and slick to go around her and "accidentally" bump into her. I feel so adventurous.

I squat down low so my body is covered by the bushes and run as quick as I can without making too much noise. Eventually, I make it to her and she's busy looking through her purse so it's easy for me to coincidentally bump into her.

I walk in front of her and look over to my left and pretend to be admiring the view when our bodies gently collide.

"Uh, sorry. What are you doing here?" She asks me when she sees I was the person she bumped into.

"Well hi to you too," I joke. "I just felt like walking. I've never seen this place before and wanted to check it out." She nods her head and seems to believe my lame excuse to see her again. Crap, how do I continue a conversation?

"So how are you holding up? You know, 'cause of the fire and everything..." I scratch my neck and hope it's not too soon to talk about it. Her face is blank and I can't tell if I've asked the wrong thing or not.

Until We Meet Again // H.S. AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang