XXII. Friendly Advice

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(song: little games [st. lucia remix] by the colourist)

Harry's POV

Today Dylan was coming over to hang out. I haven't talked to him in person in months, until I finally realized that no one is controlling who I talk to anymore.

Dylan let himself in and walked straight to my living room, pouring himself a glass of scotch, then lifting the bottle with raised eyebrows, silently asking if I wanted some. I just shrugged, why not?

And before you go whining about us drinking alcohol, yes, we are nineteen, yes, it is scotch, and no it's not legal, but who cares? We're rich. We do what we want. It's one of the many perks of our parents having big jobs in the best corporation in the state.

"How have you been?" I asked and sat down on the leather couch. Dylan sat on the other side.

"Good. How about you?" He took a long sip of his drink.

"I've been great," I said, taking a sip of my own glass. Dylan smirked at me for a second and I wondered why. He focused his attention on the scotch glass in his hand as he spoke, swiveling it around.

"How's Paris?"

"Oh we, uh, we broke up. A while ago."

"Interesting," he looked up at me for a second. "There's been talk about you prancing around with another girl. Is this true?" He took another sip of his drink, then raised his eyebrows at me, a smile starting to form on his lips.

"I actually do have a girlfriend now."

"Really? So quickly after you broke up with Paris?"

"It's been, like, over two months."

"That's pretty soon, Styles."

I just shrugged and took another sip of my drink. "Not that soon," I mumbled.

"Is she hot?"

I glared at him for a moment before I responded. "Yes... But she's mine so that's none of your concern."

"Getting a bit possessive, I like it. How long have you two been together?"

"About two weeks."

"Has she met the parents?" Dylan asked, seeming more interested in his glass of scotch than our conversation.

"No, not yet."

He finally looked up at me when he spoke. "Really? I thought you were serious about this girl."

"I am," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's her name?" Dylan changed the subject.


Dylan stared at me for a moment. "And her last name is?"

"It's--it's..." Shit. How do I not know her last name? How does her last name not come up in a whole three months?!

A smile played on Dylan's lips. "You don't know her last name?" He asked, sounding much more amused by the second.

"Uh, well..."

He laughed at my expense.

"You are so whipped."

"Am not!"

"I could tell the minute I walked in something was different about you. You're letting this girl change you."

"Change can be good," I defended.

"Not when you go from strong and powerful to soft and not even bothering to find out a girl's name, whom you claim to be serious about. You never even did a background check on this girl? If she's not from our neighborhood you have to do a background check. Come on, Styles, what's gotten into you?"

I was at a loss for words. He had a point. Do I stand up for what I've been doing the past couple months, becoming a nicer person, or do I go back to how I used to be, like Dylan? He continued talking when I didn't say anything.

"Harry you have to learn to be aggressive. Girls love guys that are aggressive. That's why bad boys are such a trend. You have to show her who's boss." Dylan finished his scotch at the end of his speech.

I thought about what he said. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a little aggressive. Girls find that attractive. And I'm rich, girls also find that attractive.

"Your girl's going to get bored of you if you keep playing this nice, mushy boyfriend. Show her who you really are."

"I don't know..." I was still hesitant about the whole thing. I don't know if Ren will really like an aggressive side of me...

"What's her name--Ren? She's going to be head over heels for you if you listen to me. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about."

"I don't know, Ren's different than most--"

"No, no matter how 'different' you think she is, all girls are the same deep down. They want a guy who can put them in their place. Be that guy, Harry."

I guess he has a point...

"Okay... Yeah. I'll do it, I'll be more aggressive."

"Good choice, my friend," Dylan rose his glass up towards me after he refilled it and took a large sip, and I followed. This is going to be great. Ren will love me even more than she probably does.

"First thing's first, you have to invite her to meet your parents. Gotta set a good first impression with them."

"Right. So I just call her and ask if she can come over for dinner tonight?"

Dylan sighed and put his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "No, you don't ask her to come. You tell her that she is coming."

"Okay... So call her and say she's coming over tonight, end of discussion?"

"That's too aggressive. Just be quick, and make sure she understands dinner is tonight with your parents."

I nodded my head. I can do this.

I called Ren and waited for her to pick up. Dylan was finishing all my scotch in the meantime. Ren answered on the fifth ring, right when I sighed because I was growing impatient.

"Uh, hello?"


"Hey, what's up?"

Dylan made hand gestures to me to hurry up and get to the point.

"Dinner, tonight. My parents. Seven o'clock."

I could imagine her scrunching her face in confusion. "What?"

"Tonight, we're having dinner with my parents, be ready at seven," I said in a condescending tone.

"Um, okay?"

"Wear something nice."

"How nice?"

"Nicer than what you usually wear."


Dylan gave me a thumbs up and signaled for me to end the conversation already.

"Bye." I hung up immediately, without hearing Ren respond.

"Nice job, Styles."


+ I picture dylan as chuck bass hehe

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