Chapter 1

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Song Video in the Sidebar... (Theme)

Photo of the Cast in the Sidebar...

       “Phoebe where are you!” I shouted over the loud rock music moving through the crowd of high, drunk teenagers who Cameron Clay invited to his Witches Brew Party. The kid always got what he wanted. No one knew where he got it all from though. Everyone that was at the Brew were either sniffing Wizards Dust or drinking Mother’s Milk; a guaranteed high which I never vowed on getting a whiff of.

       I jumped back as one kid vomited in the path I had chosen to walk my way through. I was about to turn around when I heard a loud scream coming from upstairs of the manor. I leaped over the kid’s hunched body and took off up the stairs where an endless amount of halls resided. “Fuck me why don’t you?” I groaned.

       I ran to the right where it all just turned out to be an illusion. I took back off to the left and there at the end of the hall was the door that contained the screams. “Phoebe is that you?” I asked pushing open the door. My eyes widened at the sight of my best friend hanging by her wrists in the middle of the room.

       “Rope in a knot, I chant to thee, untie thy self and let your captive free.” I improvised. The rope loosened and she fell to the ground with a thud. I ran to her side and grabbed her into my arms. “Are you okay?” I asked. “The Coven…” She whispered faintly then passed out. “I’m going to hex those Witches.” I seethed. Her purse was off in the corner and I threw my hand in the direction of it and it flew into my hands. I searched through it and found the all too familiar pouch.

       It contained Witches Dust. I reached into it and pulled out a handful and thought of where I wanted to be and then in one motion I threw the dust in front of our presences to the ground and in a ‘BOOM’ we were gone.

       There we were in the Chant room; a room where Witches found it best to practice magic in secret. No one knew about this one though. It was behind the closet in my room. My brother came running over with a potion in a veil. “Is it going to work?” I asked. He nodded. I wish he could speak but he couldn’t. The Coven had gotten to him too. I took the veil from him and held Phoebe’s head up. Cooper opened up her mouth and I poured it in.

       After emptying the contents down her throat nothing was happening. “Cooper it’s not working.” I cried. Whatever the Coven had done to her, she was slowly dying. He got up and ran over to the mixing table and came over with a piece of paper in his hands. He handed it to me and I stared at it my vision blurred from tears. I wiped them away and then began reading the spell.

       “Healing potion with the power to mend, bring slow death and poison to an end.” I chanted. Her body began to glow and she gasped for air sitting up quickly. “What the fuck?” She exclaimed. “No time to explain, but I hate to say I told you so,” I began. “The Coven poisoned you at Cameron Clay’s party and in the meantime he took away Cooper’s voice.”

       She rolled her eyes and got up on wobbly feet. “What’s the rush?” I asked, standing next to her for support. She grabbed a piece of ginger and cut it handing it to Cooper. “Chew on that it’ll burn away the hex.” She said. He scrunched his face up and closed his eyes taking a bite.

       “What are Cameron and the Coven planning?” I asked her. She sighed, “I don’t know, but it has something to do with First Lady Witches power coronation.” She answered. “They’re after something that has to be earned.” Cooper began. His voice was raspy but his words were understood clearly. “Keep chewing Cooper,” She demanded and he frowned biting into the ginger again.

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