Night 2.5

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Violet lurched up from her seat and ran towards the front door. Aphmau had closed it, but hadn't locked it. Thank God. Violet grabbed the door and pushed it open, but only slightly. Her hand met a barrier, something similar to syrup, or molasses.

Her face contorted from panic to concentration as she began pushing against the barrier. After a few minutes, she broke through. She got the rest of her arm through quickly enough, and was soon pressing her shoulder through.

She felt the time speed up around her as she struggled. She was sweating, finally managing to get her shoulder through. '30 minutes.' She panicked.

Forcible shoving herself against the barely permeable barrier, she fought to break through. She pushed, and finally, she did it. It was a relief for her when her body broke through, just leaving her left hand in the pizzeria.

She started pulling, managing to get most of the hand through before it dawned on her. 'One minute left.'

'No! No, no, no! I'm so close!' She thought, fighting to pull her hand through. She felt the tears start streaming down her face as her hair slowly lost its color, fading to a deep black.

Her security uniform disappeared as her skin turned black, and her arms grew, and her legs grew, and her body thinned. The tears streaming down her slowly started falling purple as the last line of consciousness she had was her brilliant purple eyes fading away into a dead, soulless black. She felt herself be pulled back into the pizzeria as her worst nightmare, the Violet Girl.

~A/N mode~

Hey guys! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Guess what? Two (maybe three) more chapters of this out today as an apology for being gone all week. Hey, do you all like this story? I've gotten one person's comment and a couple of votes. I need to know if people like it, or hate it. Please? I know most of you are silent readers, and that's ok. I am too. I'm not asking for much, just a vote, or a good job comments, or a comment that says 'Hey, this story is awful and you should unpost it.'

I may not follow your instructions, but I'll acknowledge the fact that you don't like it and try to fix up the story. If you still don't like it, then I'll politely ask you to leave and don't come back. Though I highly doubt anyone shall do this (logic bro) I shall still make sure too keep this an option.



Follow (if you want)!

~Kat away! 😋

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