Ending 2: Neutral

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Violet continued moving towards the kitchen, intent on reaching her goal. Tyrain need this information, and she was more than happy to deliver. She didn't really care about the two following her; they were pieces of her plan. At least, that's what she told herself.

He met them outside the kitchen, she barely noticed the Springtrap suit behind him. She frowned. "You failed." she hissed. She noticed the regret flash through his eyes, before being replaced with hatred, and then regret again.

She hated the hesitance this caused her. She snarled at him, at the regret in his eyes. It was too late for redemption. The air was filled with static, holding her back as animatronic feet pounded through the hallway.

"Let go of me!" she screeched, pushing against the barriers Golden Freddy created. Tyrain out his hands up in surrender. "Let me explain. Please." he said, but she ignored him. As she strained against the bonds, purple seemed to seep into her body.

As she turned violet, Tyrain started talking. "Vi, I'm sorry. I wasn't in complete control of my actions. Someone was taking over my mind and body-"

"Its so like you to try and twist my mind in your favor. Even if you were being controlled, you killed my little Kali. All I had left. So now, you will DIE."

She broke free, moving forward at impossible speed towards the man that murdered her daughter. As her hand came up to strike the killing blow, Golden Freddy regained control and held her in place as Foxy moved forward.

Tyrain- no, Ty- pushed her out of the way as Foxy's hook came down. She fell to the floor with wide eyes as she watched Ty get killed for the sister who hates him.

A hollow laugh reverberated from her chest as a single tear fell from her face. "You idiot. Now you don't have a chance." she whispered as they were sucked into the vortex.

All ten of them were there, although Tyrain was just a body, a corpse. Funny, considering all on the floor were already dead. The animatronics and humans, all dead by the hands of the man on the floor, whether directly or not.

"He is punished for his failure." the Lord spoke, and Violet knelt, followed by the animatronics. "You will be released from my realm and be allowed in his." Lucifer spoke, obviously disgruntled at losing his best pawn.

"Thank you." Violet murmured, still bowed as she was delivered into heaven with the others. She faced the open gates, looking at the paradise in there tempting the nine in here. They all joined hands, Aphmau and Kali with Violet as they walked into the afterlife.

Deep into Darkness (an Aphmau FNAF story character insert)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon