Day 2

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Tyrian P.O.V.

I watched from the shadows as the woman called my sister messed up my work. My hard work, gone to wast because she betrayed me. I'm almost glad that I killed... her... but I can't do that. I need to get out of here, and to do that I need to change. Something's different about this game. She's taken measures to keep me here that I haven't seen before... it scares me. She scares me.

The puppet of this demonic world's ruler was watching me. Invisible in the day, corporeal at night. Tortured day after day, night after night, yet she doesn't want to leave. Why? What is with this confusing woman that wants torture? That wants punishment for a crime she didn't commit?

I will never understand. The girl, this place, the torment. Nothing makes sense in this broken, soulless world. Logic is thrown out the windows, kindness is never an option. Banished long ago, any chance of peace for this world's residents is negligible. Everyone's here for a reason. Be it their fault or someone else's, everyone with a conscious mind down here has a reason. Sent down here to help punish or be punished, the chains or the prisoner, the executioner or the judge, everyone in this nightmarish world has a purpose. And I'm the prisoner. The executioner. Hundreds of victims, all their blood upon my hands.

I saw a child. The similarities to... her... were astounding. I felt an insane smile begin to etch itself onto my face. 'Just one more... it can't hurt.'

I felt the corrupted darkness try to take over. 'No! I need to get out!'

'It's just one...'

'I can't!'

'Why are you always fighting me? You did it in the real world too. You might be a good person inside, but their blood spilled was your fault.'


Violet was in front of me. She was glaring at me. "Watch your children." She taunted. Daring me. She's egging on the darkness. Why? Why does she want to stay here?

A sort of static filled the air, as she communicated with me. "Do it. Trap yourself down here. You deserve it."

The static faded, her minimal amount of energy drained. But it was enough.

She was always able to push away my darkness.

~A/N mode~

Wow... I just gave away some crucial hints in this mini chapter... I hope you all feel special. Oh, and one more hint; it's a really far out there. I don't think happens in the real show. At all. Though it would be cool.

And now... onto Night 3! I hope you all like my story so far. Feedback is always appreciated, good or bad.



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~Kat away! 😋

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