Chapter Three: Storm And Darkness

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"They just don't listen to me." muttered Tempestatem to the goddess of darkness,Tenebris. The black dragon laid on a rock in her dark cave,the only light were a group of small lightning bugs,knowing Tempestatem loves them,she kept them there at the same place where they talked.

"Well,it is their business after all." Tenebris said calmly,her gentle,purple gaze landing on the god of storm,making him slightly shiver.

"They were going to kill each other! What else should I have done?" asked Tempestatem, confused.

"Well,first off you know very well that gods and goddesses take a long time to kill each other,second off they would've stopped eventually." responded Tenebris in her calm,low,even voice. The storm god could only look her deep in her purple eyes and nod,feeling enchanted, "Maybe you're right."

"No maybe,I am right,believe me."

"You're the only one I do believe," whispered Tempestatem in embarrassment, "the others. . . I guess I just don't like." Tenebris smiled, "Well that's sweet of you to say,glad I could help." The black dragon stood up and walked down into a cave,Tempestatem tilted his head and followed the dark goddess as she went deeper into the cave.
"Where are you going?" He asked when he knew for sure that Tenebris was aware of his presence.

"Trying to find a Markens to show when the meeting is in this cycle of the sun."
Markens? Ooooooh, the marks that tell us when there should be a meeting. Tempestatem thought to himself.
The goddess sat in front of a wall that had many claw marks down it and each went in a pattern into a square box. Tempestatem sat beside her,his tail close enough to touch hers but he didn't dare to do that no matter how much he wanted to.

"Seems like there's a meeting right now,once Lux rises the sun it will be time to go."

"But the sun doesn't rise here."

Tenebris smiled, "I watch the sun rise over Aqua's territory, the sun is beautiful but not close to the beauty of my moon." Tempestatem smiled when she smiled,he loved her smile it brightened his day,more than the sun ever would.

"I miss watching Naturae's territory when the sun rises."

Tenebris nodded,
"Yes,the lost of Naturae was absolutely terrible,and we're still waiting for a glaren for nature,even if all nature dragons have died out," Tenebris managed a smile, "we'll get them back." Tempestatem wanted so badly to lean against the goddess of darkness and have her confidence but he couldn't and knew it.

"Shall we be on our way to the meeting?" asked Tempestatem, pushing those unwanted thoughts away.
"Yes we shall." Tenebris smiled and ran out the cave and got to the edge of her high cave,she spread her wings and flew up. Tempestatem followed her,watching her wings as he flew. Catching up to her,they flew side by side,wings moving up and down at the same moment.

Glaren: A bright orb that glows pure white and creates a new god/goddess,it works in it's own mysterious ways.

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