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Tempestatem's P.O.V.

Today doesn't feel right... Today feels wrong. Very,very wrong.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Lux nudged me.

"Hey,you look like you've seen some stuff... You okay?" Asked the light dragon,his head titled when our eyes met. I felt embarrassment rise in me, causing my skin to heat up.

"Y-yeah,I'm fine." Lux's gaze seemed to grow more intense. I felt as if I couldn't even blink. He kept staring into eyes my.

My heart started beating even faster.


That stare is pretty nerve raking.


Well,that's it. I turned the other way in the center and started to unfold my large wings. I can always just come back when Aer and Terra get here. I lifted from the sky,ready to fly into the clouds. But suddenly I felt a tail wrap it around mine and pull me down to the earth. At least I landed on my claws... I turned and saw Lux staring into my eyes.

"Lux! Just stop with the stare!"

Stare. All he did was stare.
(Tempestatem's face rn:

Lux's face rn:

"L-lux... Wait..." A suddenly flash a realization went through me,I tried to pull my tail out of Lux's grip.

"Lux you're doing the thing again!" I growled nervously. He was still staring. I then covered my thoughts with my in mind storm clouds. Lux's eyes suddenly went wide and he stopped doing the creepy stare.

"What in the name of the elements Tempestatem!"

"That's what you get f-for trying to read my mind!" I hissed,rolling my eyes.

I then hears a soft giggle and turned,seeing Glacies and Tenebris, the dark goddess was the one giggling. She's so.... Hypnotizing. Something about her drew me in for more. Her voice was strong, mature,yet graceful at the same time. She had grace that anyone could see clearly. My heart seemed to skip a beat as I stared into her glowing,purple eyes. Suddenly a loud roar sounded on my right side. Eyes wide,I followed my first instinct which was to unfold my wings and fly into the clouds. Lux grabbed my tail with his again,laughing. I slowly turned my gaze to where the roar was...

"Really?!" I hissed loudly at the fire god who only laughed louder.

"It was so tempting, I couldn't pass on an opportunity to scare you!"

"You're evil."

"You're jumpy."

I rolled my eyes again and walked to the center,sitting on the side of the circle that faced my territory,which was between Glacies and Aqua. The water dragon was now here,her eyes filled with an unusual look of worry. She was strong and stubborn,never seen worry in her eyes,but I knew what worry looked like. It was strange... Seeing such a dragon looking nervous. See,I knew something was wrong today,very wrong.

Tenebris sat in her spot which was side by side with Lux's. They were the beginning of the elements, light and dark. On Lux's side,after him was Ignis,fire gives off light. Then it was Terra,then Aer. On Tenebris side,the next in line was Glacies,then me,then Aqua. Glacies felt different too. Her emotion radiated off her and only I could feel it because I was the one who always knew how others felt. Ignis was the same. Can they be hiding something? No. There's nothing to hide up here,right? Aqua worried,Tenebris had the same feeling as me. The feeling something is about to happen. So did Lux. The light god knew very well how to hide emotions. Terra and Aer still weren't here which was odd,they were always the first here along with Aqua.

"Well," Lux was first to break the silence,"where are Aer and Terra? We've been waiting for a while."

"Exactly," agreed Tenebris.

"Yeah... Sure." said Ignis,his eyes focused on Glacies. Glacies glanced at him then turned her gaze quickly to the ground. Something definitely happened,something only those two know about...

"Maybe they'll be here so-" before I could finish the sentence a blur went past me straight to Tenebris. The dark goddess moved to the side,cashing the quick blur to crash into the ground of her territory.

"Terra! What's with you?!" Snarled Tenebris, an anger I've never seen glowed in her brilliant eyes. The earth god got back onto his claws,eyes black.
Wait.... Black eyes? Is this the thing with Naturae all over again?!
I felt my claws sink into the ground beneath me,my heart beat practically pounding out of my chest. I remember back to when Naturae was possesed,I was confident back then,aching for blood to cover my claws,but now... Now I was weak,afraid,paranoid. Now I jump at the sound of claws scraping stone.

Maybe because in the last war we lost the last goddess of fire,god of water,and god of ice. The new ones,Glacies,Ignis,and Aqua were newcomers,ones he didn't know as well as the last.

Glacies's claws also sunk into the ground,but there was no fear in her eyes... Just anger. I looked to the left and saw it was also the same with Aqua. Both Goddesses were angry,but I wonder... Looking around I saw only I was afraid. Do they know something I don't?

"You killed her! You killed Aer!" Roared Ignis,his eyes filled with a glowing red hell fire. Lux flinched back,his gaze fixed on the earth god.
Aer... Is dead? This doesn't seem real at all.
Tenebris gasped,her head snapped to the other gods and goddesses.

"Did anyone hear roars?" I felt my blood run cold with guilt.

"I-I did..." I muttered. Glacies stood up taller,trying to look confident but I could see the guilt gotten to her already.

"Me too," she said,her voice hushed, "I didn't think much of it..."

"It's okay,you weren't around when Naturae went through this,Glacies." Lux said to the ice goddess,his voice trying to sooth her. Glacies  stared into his eyes,she seemed... Shocked. Lux smiled. They didn't realize I was the only one paying attention to them while everyone else was questioning Terra.

"I realized my mistake Glacies... Can I fix it?" He asked in a hushed voice,worry in his eyes.
Glacies's breathing froze for a long period of time. She then let out her breath with a sigh.

"In another life," she bowed respectfully, "Lux." The light god stared with regret in his eyes but nodded. Glacies turned to Ignis,watching the fire god with something glowing in her eyes... As if she was admiring him.

That was confusing... What could they be talking about?

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