The Past

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Aqua's P.O.V.

That's strange... Where's Aer? I wondered silently to myself as I swam in the deep water,getting ready to go to another meeting. The air goddess would usually meet me at the edge of the water,a bright smile plastered on her face as her eyes sparkled like stars. The smile I wait for every time. I know not a lot of dragons like me... Ugh,Ignis. But I had Aer,and she had Terra... Terra.
Why him?
He's so bossy,it's annoying. I felt jealously boil my blood at the thought of the earth god. I stopped at the edge of my ocean and slithered out onto land,my claws latching into the dirt below. I sniffed the air.
No sign of Aer at all. I ignored the ache in my heart and started to walk.
She should be here... Where else would she be-
With Terra.
That's where.
I knew I was growling but didn't care. Who cares if I'm growling? I'll just find a way to take out my anger. Hmm,maybe I should go check on her. I paused and looked over to my right side,there was her territory, I could see it over my ocean. I couldn't help but stare at the large field of grass with few,small hills. That's a place where she would run like there's no tomorrow, and her fast wing soared into the clouds,casting a shadow over my ocean... I remember looking up as I slept underwater,seeing her wings. Aer was the type of dragon to put on those beautiful sky shows.
I remember meeting her where the water meets the field,sky blue eyes kind as her smile widened. The way her eyes met mine reassured me that she would be there for me.
She's a good friend.
She must have a reason for not being here today.
My mind was constantly on her and only her...


I hate everything! I roared internally. I was so bored that I was literally mad,and after that argument with Ignis,that was the end of it.
We were again arguing over what's better,fire or water. I know water is! He should know too! But then we were scolded by Tenebris... How embarrassing...
I burst out of the water,filling my claws sink into soft,bright green grass.
Wait... Grass? With wide eyes,I snapped my head up and looked around,looking back I realized I was on Aer's grass,not my sand. I was ready to turn and slip into the water,but froze. A shadow swept over me,making me look up into the dark,starry sky. Large,silver wings were visible through the clouds. I smirked and made some water rise into the sky,clouds suddenly turned grey,a sign the Tempestatem was awake and ready to start a storm. As Aer flew,I could hear her singing a sweet,charming tune. It was almost as if the wind was singing with her. Lights entered the sky,which was a sign Lux was also helping with the little show.

"Go Aer!" Yelled a voice playfully, making me leap when I realized it was Lux,somehow right beside me.
"Lux!" I growled.
"Opps,sorry Aqua,someone's a little jumpy." He said with a smirk of amusement, his eyes shining with humor as always.

"Hush it,lighty." I said glaring at him,then I turned the the beautiful show. Suddenly there was a loud roar and fire erupted under the storm,not affected by the rain. On Lux's other side was Ignis,his eyes filled with interest as he watched Aer fly as fast as she could.

"So,a little show going on,right?"

"Yeah," said Lux,smiling, "it came out of no where but accept it."

"I accept it."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No," Lux said,holding in a laugh, "you don't."

"I do!" Ignis roared,aggravated,anger lit in his eyes. Lux rolled his eyes and looked away,seeing me watching him,he winked then whispered.

"He's so hurt."

"Exactly." I whispered back,letting a short laugh escape my muzzle. The light god and I turned back to Aer as Ignis glared at us then rolled his eyes,also watching the little show.
I spikes raised on each side of Aer's territory, each on gave off a black glow that seemed to wave like water in a calm pond. (Like in minecraft,the endermen,and fans? No? Okay. XD)
Tenebris and Glacies walked side by side out of the shadows,their eyes bright in wonder as they saw the magic,all element show in front of them. Glacies got between Lux and Ignis,I realized that her tail was twinned with Lux when she got there. I didn't find it odd at all but didn't know why. Tenebris stood at my side,her bright,glowing purple eyes focused on the air goddess as she flew silently but quickly through the air. Tempestatem flew down and landed beside Tenebris, also focused on Aer. We all stood there silently,watching the graceful air goddess gracefully. Out of no where,a loud tumbling shook the ground below. Small rocks flew up into the sky and a large,pure stone pillar rose from the ground below. Aer gracefully dodged the rocks and Terra walked over and stood at Tempestatem's side. His green eyes shining as he watched his friend.
Now it was truly an all element show.

After a while everyone went to their own territories, chatting as they walked away.
But I stood there,frozen.
What's wrong with me? Why does no one want me?...
That's a question I wished I knew the answer to.

"Aqua?" Asked a gentle voice. I looked ahead only to see Aer walk in towards me,her slim figure glowing from the shine of the moon above.

"A-aer... Sorry for being on your territor-" I began but she raised her tail for silence.

"No need to apologize." She said with a small smile. My eyes met hers. The sky blue depths were filled with a kindness that made my heart melt like ice near a fire. Something about her made me feel less lonely. Tears blurred my vision.

"Aqua? What's wrong?"

"I'm not wanted!" I roared at the top of my lungs as I felt the tears slid down my face. Aer's eyes widened in dismay,she took a quick step closer.

"All dragons here are wanted and needed! So don't say that again!" I felt my claws sink deeper into the soft grassy ground below.

"You're lying to me!" I snarled. Aer paused, eyes filled with concern.

"Aqua,listen. You aren't alone. You just feel that way because you don't have a best friend," she smiled, "but I can be your best friend."

"B-best friend?" I asked between my whimpers.

"Yes." She responded,her smile and eyes brighter.

My best friend...? Maybe she's right,she seems smart enough why not think about what she's saying?... I guess I do need a best friend.

Aer stepped closer and pressed herself against my side.
I flinched.
I have never felt this contact before. It felt so.... Different.

I'm not alone anymore.

**End Of Flashback**

Aer promised she would always be there for me many times before. Now where is she? I had a feeling something bad has happened, but didn't know why.
If felt so terrible, I feel as if I have lost something but don't know what.
I'll find out soon.

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