Terra's Darkness

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Terra's P.O.V.

"Stop it,stop it right now! How dare you!?" I roared in my cave,my back against a stone wall,my eyes snapped from one side of the cave to the other,my breathing heavy. I tried to catch my breath after fighting off that...that monster. But it was no use... The image of Aer's thin,limp body covered in blood on the ground flashed through my head. I shook my head but stopped when I realized it only made my head worse.

"You... You killed her... My best friend..." I muttered,still panting. A shadow was over me in a second,making me freeze from fear.

"G-go away!" I roared again,my head spinning causing more pain.

"No. You will kill the rest if it's the last thing you do." A strong, male voice whispered fiercely. I tried to move in the opposite direction of the voice but it echoed everywhere. A sharp pain cut into my back,it felt as if long claws were sinking deep into my flesh. I roared loudly in pain,which reminded me of Aer's roars before she... Left. Shaking myself,I tried to throw off whatever was on my back. I turned my head and froze for a second...
It was a shadow dragon with long,pure black claws. With it's thin frame,it was hard to imagine it taking on an earth dragon,let alone an earth god. It eyes glowed red in pure rage like a fire dragon,it's skin as dark as night like a dark dragon,it's tail long like an ice dragon,it's claws long like a light dragon,and it had the skinny frame and large wings of an air dragon. But the pure strength of an earth dragon was also on this creature's side.
Was this what a shadow dragon was? No... They were easier to knock off... Was this...

A demon dragon?

Eyes wide,I laid on my back in an attempt to smash it under my weight. The creature was suddenly on my stomach, red eyes filled with a deep,hell fire. An evil grin spilt through it's face.

"Aer is down. The rest await."

It whispered in a strong voice.

"No! Leave everyone alo-" I was cut off by the feeling if claws on my neck. I felt my heart beat quicken and seemed to slam itself against my rib cage. I roared again.  The creatures claws sunk into where my heart would be. It looked like it was... Melting. The evil,twisted grin melted away with it's body into what felt like blood on my stomach. Something paralyzed me. The black blood sunk into my wound,it's target was my heart,I could tell.
It felt as if my heart twisted as agony made me roar even louder. My vision went blurry,I could see black slowly covering my vision.
It's taking over...again.
The world went dark.

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