Chapter Six: Secret

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The meeting was over. Lux watched Glacies and decided to at least talk to the ice goddess to make peace and just be friends. But as the light god got closer,she spread her wings and flew off. Lux stopped and sighed,looking at the ground. He felt eyes on him and noticed it was Terra who was looking at him. The light god raised his head,turning to the earth god. "Terra?"
"Yeah,Lux?" Asked Terra,still staring.
"Why are you watching me?" Lux asked cautiously,tail slowly lashing.
"Well,you seem sad. If you ever want to talk about it,just come to me."

"That's very thoughtful Terra,thanks."

"Anytime." Terra bowed then walked off into his territory. Lux couldn't help but look off into the direction the ice goddess walked off into.
"Lux,let her go." Muttered a soft,gentle voice. Lux turned quickly turned and saw Tenebris, her eyes gave off no emotion.

"I can't. . ."

"Yes,yes you can. You just refuse to acknowledge that you can live perfectly fine without her."

"As I said before,I can't." Growled Lux.

"Listen,what do you like so much about her? There's no point in having a relationship when you're a god or a goddess," Tenebris closed her eyes, "she's beautiful, agreed but why be with someone because of their looks?"

"I wasn't with her because of looks!" Lux hissed at the goddess.

"If you love her personality so much,why be with her? You can literally see her anytime you want."

"I. . . I guess you're right."

"I am," Tenebris opened her eyes,the purple depths full of wisdom, "trust me,Lux."

Glacies flew on the outskirts of her territory, her eyes closed but she knows she wouldn't mess up flying like she messed up with Lux. She remembered when her and Lux would look at the flowers of Naturae's territory when they were alive. The feeling she got when leaning against his side,he made her feel like she was forever safe and never going to fall into the darkness alone.

"Hey,what are you doing outside your territory?" Asked the strong voice of Ignis. Glacies's eyes widen and she landed,almost falling over. She zoned out. Eyes still dark blue.

"Huh? Oh,oh yeah,territory. . ."

"Um. . . Never mind that,you look sad. What's wrong?"

"Just,personal problem." She responded,looking away.

"You can talk about it if you want." Ignis gave her a reassuring smile,hoping it would help in the least. Glacies sat down,eyes still on the ground.

"Are you sure?. . . It's against the rules,what I have done. . ." Ignis tilted his head, what could this goddess have done that it's so wrong? He asked himself.

"Technically we make the rules, and I won't tell anyone." The goddess closed her eyes.

"That is true. . ."

"I promise not to tell,I won't gain anything anything if I do tell,I'll only be losing my chance to be friends with you. Don't want to get on someone's bad side again. . ." Glacies felt how nervous she was but pushed the feeling back,sighing. He seems reasonable. I guess if he ever tells nothing would really happen. . .

"Okay then,I'll tell you," she sighed, "well,me and a certain dragon were together,and I mean a god,not a kingdom dragon. . ."

"Okay,go on."

"We were together for a very long time,meeting up in secret,but today he said we can't be together because it might unbalance our elements. . ."

"Sounds like he's not right for you."

"I guess so. . ." Glacies sighed,looking at the ground and then closed her eyes. Ignis felt sorry for the ice goddess,so he decided to cheer her up. So he decided to say the first thing that came into his mind.

"If you were my mate,I wouldn't have said that or even think that." Glacies's eyes widened as she looked up and made eye contact with the fire god.

"Wait,what?" She asked,shocked. Ignis's eyes widened when he realized what he had said,getting nervous.

"Oh wait that came out wrong. . ."

"Uh. . ." Glacies went silent.

"Yeah. . . My bad." Responded Ignis nervously.

"Oh that's okay Ignis,I know it was an accident."

"You can call me Pyro." He smiled,causing Glacies to smile back.

"Okay then," she smirked, "Pyro." The god of fire seemed distracted, looking around as if he expected someone to pop out of the blue. Glacies tilted her head in confusion.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah,I'm okay,just a little angry but I'll be fine."

"Angry? Why?"

"I got into a fight with Aqua."

"Wow,over what?"

"Territory stuff."

"Ooooooh, classic."

"Yep. Well,Tempestatem got in the middle of it and stopped us from fighting, so I went to relax in the lava." Glacies felt it odd how a god and a goddess could argue like that,she realized the roaring she heard wasn't her in a war vision,but Pyro and Aqua.

"Oh,I see."


Glacies laid on her side and smiled. Pyro smiles back at her,the two dragons sharing a bonding moment.

"We should race some time." Pyro smirked and the ice goddess immediately stood up.

"Yes! I'll sooo beat ya!"

"Oh really now?" Pyro smirked at her and she gave an evil grin,showing her silver poisoning fangs.

"Yes really!" Pyro could tell she had a very competitive side to her. Pyro was taken by surprise when he felt the goddess nuzzle him.

"Um,what are you doing?" He asked.

"Nuzzling ya."


"'Cause you're my friend! Why wouldn't I?" Pyro just went completely still,mind racing. He nuzzled back. But then there was an odd rumbling sound,causing Pyro to look around.

"What's that?"

"Me." Glacies smirked.

"How are you doing that sound?"

"It's purring,only ice elements can do it."

"Purring. . . Then why are you purring?" Glacies smiles at the question.

"That means I love this."

"Oh. . ."

"Is something wrong,Pyro?"


Silence. The two just stood there,Glacies nuzzling the fire god as he stared off into the distance at nothing. Glacies was still purring,but a very low one. More time went on,thru both had no where to be and didn't seem to care. The moon was still up in ice territory while the sun still boiled the lava of the fire territory. They eventually fell asleep next to each,each on their own side.
Peace to opposites.

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