Chapter Five: Plan

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"This shall work,you'll see!" Roared a loud voice,causing a smaller female dragon to shrink down in fear.


"Hush!" The smaller goddess went silent,not wanting to get attacked. The other larger dragon smirked, revealing sharp fangs. The dragon walked past the smaller goddess,tail wrapping around her neck,making her turn towards him. He then whispered in her ear.

"You'll see. Once I tell the other dragons that someone said something about them, tension will rise and a war of the elements shall begin!" The goddess tried to escape the older dragon's grip without clawing him.

"Y-you can't. . . Why are you doing this?!" She hissed.


"Yes sir. . ." Whimpered the goddess. The dragon she talked to use to be her best friend,but now. . . It was all wrong. He's gone insane. . .

"I'm doing this for revenge! They don't respect my element,but once they see what I can do,they'll bow before me," he smirked, "well, those who live will." The god turned to the goddess.

"Now leave." Aer wasted no time in spreading her wings and flying to her territory as fast as she could,faster than the other gods and goddesses. She landed on the soft,grassed ground of her territory and curled up in the long grass beneath the cave. She couldn't believe how she was submissive like that,she whimpered for moon's sake! Aer curled her tail around her and closed her eyes. I must tell the others of his plans,but he'll find out and kill me like he killed Naturae. . . I may not be able to tell anyone. But I'll help them if this battle does come.

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