Chapter 5

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"Mara wake up! Mara!" Someone yelled waking me up I look to see Zero. I sit up and rubbed my eyes. "Zero what are you doing in my room?" I asked him caustionly "I was told by the headmaster to give you this." He said holding out of my book. "Oh thanks" I say taking the book. "Hey if you don't mind could you show me around sometime."I ask "Sure it's not like I have anything else to do." He says as he exists. His voice still ringing in my ears. I look back at the book wondering how I got ready and headmaster got my book. " hmm. Must of left it in his office." I got ready and headed down stairs. When I got there there was a couple people there I think they're Rima and Senri. "Hello" Senri says in a monotone voice. "Hey" I say smiling trying to lighten the mood. "Do you like it here?" Rima asked "Of course!" I say wondering why she's asking me that. "That's good." She says plainly. I sit there in awkward silence. I sigh and finally get out a book.


These people are crazy. As we walk out the gates a hoard of people surround us screaming while Yuki tries to hold them back and Zero watches from the side lines. I suddenly got pushed down and trampled on. I was laying there getting stomped on until someone pulls me up. I look up to see Zero "You ok." He asks voice full of concern. "Yeah thanks!" I tell him. I turn to see Hanabusa winking and pretending to shoot the girls "what a weirdo" I think to myself I sigh and catch up with the rest of the night class. This is going to be a looong night.

Zero's  Pov

"Why does she make me feel this way? I thought I would have to deal with a egoestic diva or something but she was something else. Why though I thought I loved Yuki but I love her way more than I could ever love anything else. Her mesmerizing red eyes, beautiful thick snow white hair, and flawless skin. I know she's a demon but that doesn't mean anything to me. She seems nice and hasn't shown any reason to hate her. She seems understanding and I like that about her. Maybe she's different from the others. Maybe she'll respect my way of life. Maybe she'll accept me for the monster I am?"

Third pov

Mara had finished up her classes and decided to take a walk. As she was heading towards the fountain she saw a figure. Who she identified as Hanabusa. "Hey" she calls out quietly. Hanabusa jumps a bit and turns around "Oh it's just you Mara you scared me." He said in relief "Is something wrong?" She asked "No not really." Hanabusa tells her. "Oh good."  Mara sighs and sit down. "Are you comfortable with the school and it's students yet?" He asks voice full of wonder. "I mean instead of the gates yeah." She tells him plainly  "You know your not as weird as I thought." She says thinking out loud. "What! Why would you think I'm weird?" He asks while fake crying. "Well you were  fake shooting girls while winking." Mara say nodding her head. "Anyway I got to go!" She yells while running of.

Hanabusa Aiduo's Pov

"WHAT I 'm not weird! Am I ? No it can't be right!? I don't know what to think any more!? I know I'll ask Akatsuki if I am!" I run to find Akatsuki sitting on the couch in the night class dorm. "Akatsuki I'm not weird am I!?" I ask him " Hanabusa your the very definition of the word weird." He tells me plainly " NOOO!" I tell as I fall to my knees. "Geeze I  forgot for a second how annoying you are." He says rubbing the bridge of his nose shattering me even more.


Wolfz here sorry it's short and thanks every one for your support. I want to welcome 6 peoples to the family and they know who they are. Thanks for the support bye (:

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