Naoko's past

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8 year old Naoko's pov

I came back from the bathroom to hear the front door knock down. Screams fill the air. I quickly and quiet as I possibly could I ran to the nearest room. Quietly I shut the door. I opened the window luckily I was on the first floor and there was a bush to hide in. I go towards the door and open it softly. I look up and down the hall. The coast was clear. I tip-toe out. My plan was to find my sister and my 4 year old cousin Jun (A/N remember her from chapter four.) take them to the room and help them out the window. After that we would run as far as we could and go into hiding. I go to the door that leads to the ball room. I open the door careful not to make any noise. I peer into the room the screams going louder than before. The dead bodies of the guests covered the floors. My parents dead along with everyone else. My birthday presents and decorations covered in their blood. Suddenly 3 men walk in going towards the man who I assume is the leader. "Sir we can't seem to find their daughter or son." One of the men informs their leader. "What do you mean you can't find them!?" there leader yelled so loud the birds outside flew away and the whole house shook causing me and the men to fall. I quickly get up. "Do I need to remind you what the plan is!?" The man asked his men. "No sir!" two of the three say. "Umm t-that wo-would be helpful." The Third man says while squeaking the last part out. "I will go over this once and once only the plan is....


I ran and as far as I could go. "I need to find a safe place." I couldn't find my sister but I have a feeling she's safe. I suddenly crashed into something and fell to the ground. I looked up to see a tree. I just lay on the ground looking up at the memorizing stars. I hadn't noticed it got this late. I felt tears falling down the sides of my face. My birthday was ruined. I lay there and let sleep take over me.


I wake up to the sound of birds.
I sit up and look around. The memories come back to me. I feel empty. My head spinning and stomach rumbling. I look for something to eat in my pockets. A candy bag I had stolen from the kitchen. I open it I grab the first piece of candy I see not caring what kind. I plop it in my mouth savoring the sweetness. I sigh and get up I guess go looking for somewhere to stay.


I had found an old cottage and decided to make it my home. It was two bed rooms, one bathroom. The kitchen space was nice and the living room was decent also I found a couple of old books. There's a town just at the edge of the forest. I feel like this is a perfect place to live.


I was in town eating a peanut butter cookie as I was making my way back home. I had just finished my cookie when I saw a book store. I thought I'd check it out before I went home. Once I entered the store I headed to the bookshelf in the back that had old legends and things like that. I saw a man there and decided to ignore him. I saw a book I thought might seem interesting but when I tried to reach it I was to short. The man who was there suddenly grabbed the book and gave it too me. "Thanks."  I say "No problem I'm Kaien Cross." He says holding out his hand. " I'm Noako." I shake his hand. We became friends and I told him my story and he told me his.

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Hey sorry I didn't update as I said

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