Chapter 6 part 3

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Mara's pov

I woke up at twilight and quickly got ready hoping I'm not late. I go down stairs unnoticed and see everyone circled around a boy with black hair and beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly I remember something....

I had left my necklace upstairs.

I quickly go up stairs, into my room to get my necklace and head down stairs again. This time when I go down stairs everyone's looking at me and the new guy. "Is something wrong?"

Earlier 3rd pov

Headmaster comes in the night class with Noako. Everyone soon enters. "I would like you all to meet Noako."  Mr. Cross says. "It's a pleasure to meet you all"
"Like wise umm..." Kaname paused. "Oh right Yukazawa"    Naoko informed him. The room had fell silent
Suddenly the sound of foot steps caught everyone's attention. There stood Mara Yukazawa.

Mara's pov

"Um......Hi?" I say trying to break the silence. Then suddenly I see the face of the boy better. He looks like my brother.  "Mara?" He asks. "Naoko!" I ran up and gave him a hug. I wipe my tear filled eyes trying to get myself to stop crying. Suddenly we hear a slight cough. I look at Mr. Cross. "Well it seems you two have some catching up to do." I nod as I began to tell Noako everything he missed.


3rd pov

Most of the night class was shocked hearing that Naoko and Mara are related. It didn't help that they didn't looked anything like each other.
Naoko and Mara soon became close restoring the bond they once had. They talked about people they met, the hardships they went they went through, and the good that had happened. They began to loose track of time before they noticed the sun was coming up. "Well I guess I'll see you later." Naoko states.
"I guess so. Time really flew by huh." Naoko smiled warmly "yeah. Sleep well."
"Sleep well Naoko." With that they both went to bed thankful for finding each other.

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Hey there been a while I hoped you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!☆~☆

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