Mike meets Frisk

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(Foxy ran down the hall to the office door)

Foxy: Night guarrrrrrrd!

(Mike quickly shut the left door just before Foxy reached it)

Foxy: Ye better open this door mate or ye going to have a bad time!

Mike: First of all my name is Mike not "mate". Second, "ye" isn't a word. Third, ye never getting in this room ye furry

(Foxy rapidly banged his fist on the door)

Foxy: Open this door!

Mike: Cut it out fox, just go back to your cove and leave me alone. I'm just doing my job!

Foxy: The only thing I be cutting out is ye insides if ye don't give it back!

(Just then Mike heard knocking at the right door)

Mike: Chica I told you, you cant have it either!

(Mike checks the camera just outside the right door and see's a small kid. He quickly opens the right door)

Mike: What are you doing here? Freddy's has been closed for hours! its not safe for you here at night these robots turn into monsters

Frisk: Whats so bad about monsters?

(Foxy can be heard sprinting down the right hallway)

Foxy: Avast!

(Mike pulls Frisk into the office closing the right door just before Foxy made it)

Foxy: ARRRRRRRR! Ye cant hide in there forever night guard!

Mike: Man that was a close one

Frisk: Why is the fox trying to get to you?

Mike: He's trying to get in here because I took the key to the kitchen

(Mike points to the key on the desk)

Foxy: And he wont give it back!

Frisk: Why did you take the key?

Mike: Because last night these robots made a complete mess of the kitchen. Food and pans were everywhere and the hole pizzeria smelled likes spaghetti for some reason. The next day the manager thought I did it, so I locked up the kitchen and kept the key

Frisk: Maybe I can help

Mike: What are you talking about?

(Frisk walks over to the right door and reaches for the button that opens the door)

Mike: Wait kid no! Don't open that door! You don't know what your doing!

(The right door becomes wide open)

Foxy: HAR HAR HAR! Thank ye little kid now excuse me I got a guard to teach a lesson to, and a pizza to make

(Frisk walks up to Foxy and hugs his legs)


Foxy: What are ye doing kid?

Frisk: Please don't hurt him, If you want pizza my mom can make you some. She's a really good cook, she makes the best butterscotch cinnamon pie!

Foxy: Arrrrrrrrrr alright las but just for you

(Foxy glares at Mike)

Foxy: You got lucky night guard

(Foxy walks away)

Mike: I cant thank you enough kid!

Frisk: Its no problem really, I like to be helpful to anyone I can. My mom loves making food, the fox will get pizza, and he left you alone. Everyone wins

Mike: Alright kid but you probably should go home, I don't wanna get in trouble for someone being here after hours

Frisk: No problem ill be on my way. Goodnight night guard

(Frisk walks down the hallway to the kitchen door and sees Bonnie leaning next to the door)

Bonnie: Hey Frisk how'd it go?

(Frisk hands Bonnie the key to the kitchen)

Frisk: It worked just like you said

Bonnie: Awesome! Thank you so much Frisk. Gee you really are helpful

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