Crying Child meets Frisk

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(Frisk backed out of the kitchen door holding some kind of plate wrapped in tin foil with both hands)

Frisk: Thanks mom, I'll be right back.

(Frisk began to make her way to the office)

Frisk: I can't wait to see the look on his face when he takes a bite!

(She smirked looking down at the plate. But her face quickly turned concerned when she passed a door hearing a faint whimper. She stopped in her tracks and turned towards the door)

Frisk: Hello?

(She stood there in silence for a moment before speaking again)

Frisk: Is someone in there?

(Upon more silence she balances the plate with one hand and opens the door slowly to reveal a bedroom with nobody in sight. She enters the strange room in confusion)

Frisk: I know I heard something... I just wanted to help...

(Frisk studies the room, seeing nothing but toys scattered across the floor and what looks like a really comfortable bed)

Frisk: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to impose... I can leave if you want.

(Frisk turned around to see the door now closed despite not making a sound. She turned back to find a child sitting at the foot of the bed wiping away there tears)

Child: you can stay if you'd like, but there's nothing important here...

Frisk: How come?

(The child sniffled and stared blanking at a corner of the room)

Frisk: Is something wrong?

(The child did not reply. So Frisk calmly walked to the bed beside them)

Frisk: May I?

(The child looked up at Frisk in puzzlement)

Frisk: Is this seat taken?

(Frisk gestured next to them)

Child: go for it...

(Frisk sat criss cross next to the kid, setting the plate on the floor in front of her. The child did there best to wipe the rest of there tears away with there sleeve to not much success)

Child: what's that...

Frisk: This?

(Frisk gestured to the plate. The kid nods)

Frisk: It's a special gift for the night guard.

(Frisk smiled. But the kid looked disgusted)

Frisk: Does it not smell good or something?

(The kid looks away)

Child: no... It smells fine

(The kid chuckled slightly)

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