Nightmare Foxy meets Undyne

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Alphys: Undyne wait up!...

Undyne: I can't, that knucklehead Papyrus is probably gonna get himself hurt wondering in a place like this. I gotta go find him and kick his butt for making me worry about him

(Undyne opened the door to the pizzeria and walked inside to be met with a really dark room. Once inside she turned around to call out to Alphys)

Undyne: Hurry up slow poke it's really dark in here I don't want you getting....

(Undyne noticed that there was no longer a door behind her instead she found a well made bed against a wall)

Undyne: Lost....

(Undyne turned back around to examine the room further to find she was in what looked like a child's room with toys spread amongst the floor with two doors on each side of her and a closet in front of her)

Undyne: Where the heck am I?

(She walked up to the door on the right and turned the handle slowly cracking the door open to look down a dark hallway, but before she could make any further observations she heard a door creek behind her and quickly turned around to see the closet door was now ajar)

Undyne: Who's there? I demand you show yourself coward!

(To no reply Undyne walked up to the closet and swung the door wide open)

Undyne: AHA!

(There was nothing to be found but a plushy Fox sitting on the floor of the closet, So she turned around and went to check the other door and heard the closet door make a tiny squeak, in a heartbeat Undyne turned around sending a spear flying through the air impaling the closet door)


(The room sat in silence for a moment then Undyne opened the closet door once more to find that the plushy was missing. Suddenly the left door started to open really quietly, and the shadow of a robot Fox started to enter the room)

Undyne: I gotcha now!

(Undyne sent another spear soaring at the fox landing right in front of there face sticking to the wall, the foxes face turned pale white)

Mangle: ......... I think I found her.........

(Alphys flung the door wide open and ran to Undyne giving her a big hug)

Alphys: I'm so glad we found you! What were you doing in a strange closet anyway?

(Undyne looked around the room to find that she was no longer in that kids room but instead in a much smaller closet)

Undyne: I... Don't know...

Alphys: Anyways, we should go find Papyrus now, before he gets himself into trouble

(Alphys takes Undynes hand and walks her out of the room)

Alphys: Oh and meet my new friend Mangle, She helped me find you!

Undyne: Hello....

Mangle: ....Hi

Undyne: Err... sorry about the spear...

(The door closed behind them as they walked into the hall)

Nightmare Bonnie: What did I miss? Wait why did you let her go?

Nightmare Foxy: Aye, let er go mate... That be a scary one...

FNAF Meets UNDERTALEWhere stories live. Discover now