Mangle meets Frisk

542 7 14

A faint scream can be heard echoing through the halls

(Frisk giggles)

Mangle: How was that?

Frisk: That was pretty good actually, it sounded just like those scary movies mother told me not to watch

Mangle: Okay your turn!

(Frisk nods)

Mangle: Hmmm, now pretend your a robot!

(Frisk stands up from a criss cross position then gives a little cough into her fist to clear her throat. Mangle leans in watching very closely as Frisk starts doing the robot dance)

Frisk: (In a monotone robotic like voice) Yarg... my... name... is... Foxy... I'm... here... for... yee... pizzzzza... Also... I... have... a... huge... crush... on... Mangle... but... I'm... too... shy... to... make... the... first... move...

(Mangle burst into laughter, Frisk started chuckling as well. Sans also joined in on the laughter shedding a tear in the process)

Mangle: Wait, what? Where did you come from?

Sans: ha ha ah he he... huh.. ahuh

(Sans whipes away his tear)

Sans: ....what?

(Just then a voice can be heard approaching from the hallway)

Foxy: Oi, las I saved ye a couple slices of pizza if ye want in on....

(As Foxy peered around the corner, he immediately made eye contact with Sans. Foxy squints)

Foxy: Yeeee....

Sans: meeee....

Mangle: Who?

Frisk: Him

Foxy: I?

Sans: nay

Frisk: Heeee....

(Frisk points to Sans, who is no longer standing in the same spot, but instead now behind Foxy with a creepy face)

Sans: i!

Foxy: Aye... He!

(Foxy takes a swing at Sans with his hook)


Foxy: Why ye little...

(Foxy starts barraging Sans with hook swings)









Foxy: Just stand still yee bag o bones!

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