Crying Child meets Nightmare

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(Cassidy sat in her bed staring at the ceiling thinking about Frisk)

Cassidy: I can't even remember the last time I wasn't crying... That girl... Frisk... She made me feel... Calm for once in a long time...

(She looked at the door Frisk left from)

Cassidy: ... I wounder if she will come back...

(She then looked at the door handle)

Cassidy: I wounder...

(She slowly leaves her bed and approaches the door)

Cassidy: If things are different now... Maybe... Maybe I... could go see her

(Cassidy placed a hand on the door knob, then took a deep breath before slowly opening the door to reveal an endless black void. She looks deep into the void for a moment)

Cassidy: Maybe just this once...

(She stepped into the void)

Cassidy: Things could be...

(The door slammed behind her. Startled, she turned to the closed door behind her then back in front of her to see she was back in the room)

Cassidy: Different...

(Cassidy sat in the middle of the room, with disappointment filling her face)

Cassidy: She'll... She'll be back...

Nightmare: B̵u̶t̷ ̵n̶o̶b̷o̷d̷y̶ ̸c̵a̸m̶e̴.̴.̸.̵

(Cassidy looked around the room frantically)

Cassidy: Who said that?!

(Twisted cackling echoed through the room, but she couldn't make out where it was coming from. Cassidy backs up into her closet, shutting the sliding doors in the process. But the terrible laughter continued)


(She screamed, just as the sound stopped)

Nightmare: It's me.

(Nightmare whispered into her ear. Cassidy was petrified, she couldn't move a single bone in her body. She was beyond terrified. The only thing she could manage to mutter was the word)

Cassidy: .........who-

Nightmare: Am I?

(Cassidy nodded nervously avoiding looking at the monster beside her, and just focusing on the sliver of light coming through the closets shutters. But then a slimy tentacle forced her to look at him)

Nightmare: I'm your wake up call

Cassidy: W...what do you mean?

Nightmare: I mean why are you trying so desperately to see this girl whom you know nothing about?

Cassidy: Frisk?... B..because she was... Nice to me...

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