Mangle meets Alphys

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(Alphys was slowly walking down the halls of Freddy's)

Alphys: Undyne....

(She whispered)

Alphys: W-w-where did she go...

(Alphys looks around helplessly with nobody in sight)

Alphys: Sh-she couldn't have gotten far... Oh I wish I was as brave as she is... I b-bet she would have no problem in a scary place like this... She w-would beat up anything that tried to scare me just like Mew Mew did in Season 19 Episode 87, where Mew Mew had to save all her friends from getting eaten by that giant robot so she faced her fears and used the power of friendship to get ride of the giant robot! Yeah that's what I'll do! I'll face my fears, and be brave just like Undyne!

(Suddenly the sound of slow low pitched laughter is heard echoing through the halls)

Alphys: Ahhhhh!

(She quickly ran to the nearest room and closed the door behind her)

Alphys: ...O-on second thought m-maybe I'll just wait till she finds me...

(Alphys started to look around the dark and spooky room and seen scrap parts of endoskeletons and sharp metal laying about the room)

Alphys: *gulp*

(A faint sound of radio static could be heard all of a sudden coming from somewhere in the room. Alphys started to look around the room to find out where it was coming from, the sound got louder and louder as she approached a tarp that had something large underneath it. She took a deep breath.. Then with both hands yanked the tarp away, letting out a yelp before covering her eyes and turning away shivering. She takes a peek through here fingers to find that it was just a pile of scrap and a ham radio that was under the tarp)

Alphys: H-ha.. Ha! I did it! I faced my fears just like Mew Mew! I'm so brave just like Undyne!!!

(Alphys gives the pile of junk a playful punch chuckling as she turns around to be face to face with a white and pink fox hanging from the ceiling)


(Alphys quickly hides under the tarp she tossed shaking in fear)

Mangle: Oh, I'm so sorry d-did I frighten you? I did not mean to...

Alphys: P-please d-dont hurt m-me scary r-robot

Mangle: I don't bite, I promise... My names Mangle, what's yours?

(Alphys peeked her head from out under the tarp just a little)

Alphys: A-Alphys...

Mangle: That's a cute name

(Mangle giggled a little as Alphys inched out the tarp a little more)

Alphys: S-so your not going to hurt me?

Mangle: Why do you think I'd hurt you?

Alphys: Well this place is really spooky and no offense but you do look a little scary....

Mangle: Forgive me for my appearance, but everyone here at Freddy's is actually really nice once you get to know them, you should see this place during the day. Say, what brings you here at this time anyway

Alphys: Well I was just fallowing Undyne but when she walked inside I couldn't find her anywhere, she just vanished!... And I was alone...

Mangle: Who's Undyne?

Alphys: Who's Undyne?!

(Alphys flings the tarp off of herself and points to the sky heroically with sparkling eyes)

Alphys: She's only the coolest person in the entire universe!!! She's so strong that she could level a building! She's so brave she could jump into a pool without checking to see if the water was cold first!

Mangle: Well I could help you find her if you'd like?

Alphys: Really!?

(She said smiling)

Mangle: Sure, I'd love to meet someone that cool anyway.

Alphys: You know what, your not that bad at all! Your awesome! I, uh... I'm sorry I called you scary...

Mangle: It's okay I understand.

Alphys: So why do you look all... Broken?

Mangle: Well, I'm kinda a... Take apart put back together attraction... And the employees got tired of fixing me every day, so they leave me like this... That's why they call me Mangle.

Alphys: That's terrible!...

Mangle: I'm used to it...

(Alphys looks around the room for a minute then smiles)

Alphys: Close your eyes.

(Mangle looked at Alphys confused)

Alphys: Just do it, I have an idea.

(Mangle closes her eyes, then hears metal getting shuffled through around the room)

Mangle: What's going on?

Alphys: No peeking!

(Mangle heard more clunking around then suddenly felt a wrench)

Mangle: What are you doing?

Alphys: You will see soon.

(Some time passes as Alphys wiped a beed of sweat away)

Alphys: There finished! Open your eyes!

(Mangle opened her eyes to find out that she was completely repaired her body was as it used to be)

Mangle: I'm.... Fixed.

(Mangle smiled and looked at Alphys)

Mangle: I look brand new! But how?

(Alphys rubbed her neck blushing a bit with a cheesy smile)

Alphys: I might dabble with robots...

(Mangle bent down and gave Alphys a big hug, Alphys blushed uncontrollably)

Mangle: I can't thank you enough, that's so sweet of you!

Alphys: D-don't mention it.

(Mangle laughed as she stood back up)

Mangle: Now come on let's go find your friend!

(Alphys smiled as they both left the room in search for Undyne)

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