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Magic Pov
I woke with a excruciating pain in between my legs. My clitoris was throbbing and I knew I couldn't tolerate any more pain. I sat up in bed and noticed my dear Aug wasn't there. Pulling the cover back, I felt a cool zephyr causing my nipple to stand at attention😬. I slightly smiled at the events that took place. Finally able to stand up, I managed my way to the bathroom. I looked in the full body mirror and noticed the love bites he placed on my body. 'AUG' was spelled on my stomach to the top of my jewel😁.
After my hot shower I had to find something to cover up these lucid marks so I put on (mm) and decided it covered up enough. I grabbed my keys, throw bag, and my phone and headed to my shop.
I haven't visited in so long I thought as if I was abandoning it

FINALLY arriving there, I had constumers wrapped around the side walk coming in and out of the store.
As I walk in , I see this big sign that say "BIG PROMOTION" and a pic of me and Aug hugged up and Mahogany and her man hugged up. "Ms. Magic☺ I am so glad to see you. Mr. Alsina is over  setting tables and he requested that we stay open since 6 this morning makin and baking French Caramel filled doughnuts and cupcakes. He has been helping all day..." Sarah continued to rambled until I got tired of it. "Sarah honey breath I'll be in to help shortly," I said and walked over by Aug. "Hey baby, " I said kissing his delicious lips😇
"Hey baybeh  😄, what u got on?" He questioned me while pulling me towards him. " clothes," I stated the obvious  "Magic make me fuck you up, you know how I feel about tights and leggings 😡, " he mumbled in my ear while bitin my earlobe.
I could sense the anger radiating off of him😕. "Babe my shirt covers me up," I said, kissed  his jaw and walked off😨.
He really killed my mood. I washed my hands and got to work..

I eventually called Mahogany punk ass in to help, and we got done

I heard the door open. "WELCOME TO M&M's how may I help you? " I asked while washing my hands again. "Yes I'll have a blueberry French Caramel cupcake and a touch of Magic ,"    the man said. I looked up and stalled the biggest lump in my throat.

I knew he'd gotten out but I didn't know he'd find me so soon. "How are you gal?" He asked me. I just stared as tears filled my eyes. I was afraid to show him fear. He might feed off on it😣. He is the devil himself 😬
I hurried and fixed his order so he could get of my sight. Aug had left to make a few errands 😶 fml.
Finally being able to close up the shop after inventory  the parking lot was so deserted, it looked as if it was from a movie😐😕. My car was just ten steps away but if I Sprint may be I can make it in five steps 😂
I took off running, with my purse tucked and my lil legs gone😅.
When I reached my car, I looked around before I unlocked it. I looked up once more and there it was. His shadow.  I could see his sinister smirk from where I was standing 😦. He charged at me and I quickly locked my doors and started my car. He stood in front of car and walked towards it.

I nicely switched gears and ran his ass over😂. I was hoping I killed him but that don't mean I turned around or got out to see😂 that's how people get killed these days...
I simply seen when he flew in the air😂


A few days later,

Aug was sitting here massaging my back and I emptied the contents of my breakfast into the toilet. I was running a slight fever, my nasal was stuffed, and my stomach cramped.
I hated my period and me being sick made it worse. No heat patch helped at all. I was doped on ibuprofen and Nyquil 😂. August had to stay with me through the days just so I can rest.

Finally we were able to lay in bed as he rubbed my stomach, we were listening to the news😀

"Good Morning,  this morning a man by the name of  Jones Phills  was found dead this morning  by his neighbor. As the looks of it he had bleeding on the brain and has caused hemorrhaging. ...."   that was all I had to hear before I drifted into a peaceful sleep

Hey guys I'm back 😊 I am slow updating because my laptop charger is broken so I have to use my phone😢 but remember to vote

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