5: Madman Watson

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Gerard was nervous, but then again he was always nervous about something, but more nervous now than usual, because Gerard was wearing makeup, specifically concealer to cover his bruised eye, but it was makeup nonetheless and well he was a boy and he was scared he would be made fun of because he was wearing what was classified as women's only or something.

It's not like this was the first time he wore makeup- hell, this didn't even count, he was just covering up a bruise he had been given the day before. But he had worn makeup to school when he was known as Gee, as a girl.

He was just afraid that somehow, someone would notice he was wearing it and insult him even though it wasn't likely, Gerard considered him a makeup expert by now, so unless someone threw water at his face, he should be fine, well at least he hoped he would be.

But of course, someone noticed.

And that someone was Frank Iero, the asshole that gave him the stupid beuise in the first place. Really, Gerard's mother was more pissed of than Gerard was about it, she was scolding Gerard at dinner about getting into fights at school and well, Gerard just took it, he didn't feel like explaining what really happened, and let her beleive that he had gotten in a fight.

"You're wearing makeup," Frank had stated when Gerard closed his locker, the former leaning his back against the one besides Gerard's who just raised an eyebrow at his behaviour.

"Nice observation Watson," Gerard sighed, placing his books in his backpack.

"Don't you mean Sherlock?"

"No, I meant Watson," he said, zipping up his back pack as he began to walk away from Frank, who began following him, "Sherlock would've noticed more than just concealer convering the bruise someone gave me," Gerard spoke bitterly.

Frank was quiet for a short moment, still walking with Gerard, well it was more like following and Gerard kind of wished he would go away as he didnt really want to deal with Frank or anymore bruises.

"What else is there to notice?" Frank asked, trying to keep up with Gerard.

Gerard didn't answer and Frank assumed it was because Gerard was sick of him right now and well, the latter of that was correct.

"Look- I'm sorry," Frank started, surprising Gerard, "it's just that, I'm protective of Jamia after the incident and- shit, you didn't hear that."

"What incident?"

"N-nothing she... I can't say, it's her business, not mine, I don't even know you all that well and I'm giving you information about my girlfriend," Frank started sounding really angry and Gerard thought this guy had some anger managment issue or something.

"Calm down, I was just curious, Watson," Gerard teased. "What do you want anyway? Quit following me, I don't need another black eye."

"I wanted to apologise, and ask if you wanted to be friends?" Frank asked and Gerard just fucking snorted.

"Friends? With you?" Gerard mocked, "you punched me yesterday, regardless of apologies, and today you got angry all because I asked about your girlfriend, if this is friendship with Frank Iero, I don't want it, sorry."

And Gerard felt like he was being a bit harsh but he was mad about the bruise on his face which still hurt with the slightest touch, so he walked away, again, this time leaving Frank to hate him or whatever, but thankfully, not follow him.

But Frank wasn't giving up that easy, much to Gerard's dismay.


Gerard didn't really know what to do right now. All he knew is he wanted to punch someone, but he didn't know if it should be himself or the boy who climbed through his window at two in the morning.

Gerard was just reading, willing himself to go to sleep when a light tapping which then slowly grew louder had Gerard rushing over to his window, expecting to see Freddy Krueger or something.

But when he opened the curtains, he saw, not Freddy Kruger, unfortunately, but Frank Iero, smirking at him as he clutched tightly to the window sill and now, after protest from Gerard, he was sat on Gerard's bed, looking at the comic Gerard had been reading a few moments prior.

"Okay," Gerard started, pinching the top of his nose between two of his fingers, looking frustrated at the short boy who had climbed through his fucking window, "what the fuck are you doing here, Frank?"

"I thought I was Watson?" Frank asked, looking questioningly at Gerard, "and I told you, Sherlock, I want to be friends," Frank smiled inocently.

"And I want you to get the fuck out of my house."

Frank smirked at Gerard who just seemed at a loss for what what to do, how Frank knew where he lived, Gerard didn't know, he came to the conclusion Frank had followed him home from school or something.

That creeped Gerard out quite a bit.

"You sure to swear a lot for someone who looks like a pixie," Frank commented, knowing he was bothering Gerard but not really caring, when he should have considering he wanted to be friends with him.

"How do you know where I live?" Gerard finally asked and Frank bit his lip nervously, but still tried to act confident in his words. Gerard concluded that Frank was in fact a creepy guy.

"I followed you home," whoop there it is, Rebel Wilson's voice spoke in Gerard's head, "and I saw you through your window so I could see which room was yours... before you shut the curtains."

"And you thought that was okay?"

"Everything is okay in the mind of a madman," Frank wriggled his eyebrows at Gerard who just rolled his eyes.

"You're not a madman, a little perverted maybe," Gerard noted before pointed towards to the window, motioning for Frank to get out but he made no move to do so, "get out Frank."

"Not until you agree that we're friends," Frank crossed his arms and narrowed his eyebrows and Gerard who just began to feel quite exposed in only his boxers.

"Fine, get out," he sighed, and Frank got up, smiling at Gerard as he opened the window and began to climb down, and Gerard wondered how but chose not to ask, wanting Frank to leave faster.

"Bye, friend," Frank smiled at him when he reached the ground and Gerard noticed that Frank had a ladder with him which Gerard definitely thought was weird but he didn't question it.

He finally shut the window and the curtain, getting back in tk bed and tried not to think about the strange boy as he fell asleep.


I procrastinated so much it's been almost a month sorry if it's crap.

Hope you liked it though???

Also, guess who made brand new covers for the christmas spirit???? Me!!! I'm gonna put them up in December though. Also I lost all my current coversso i'm gonna have to remake the ones I like so put them back again after Christmas which sucks but it gives me a chance to actually do a theme so its not all bad ig???


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