Episode 1

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Packing the last of her things into the car, demi and her team all piled in their excitement was something that could be seen from miles away especially Demi's. Her face lit up and she screamed jumping up and down while hugging her best friend, she got the call three days ago that she would be on the next cover of play boy.

This was something that she had never done before, it was out of her comfort zone.  Just the fact that she was even considered made her stomach do back flips.  She wasn't the most fit person, definitely not as skinny as the girl that was on last months cover.

She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head and basked in the thought of her looking sexy and desirable on the cover. When she walked into the the studio she was memorized by all the props, workers scurrying around frantically.

The shoot was thankfully in California about two hours from where she lives at a private studio

As if he had supernatural senses, the photographer who was in the middle of a shot, turned around, waving demi over right away.

"I need you in hair and make up now." He demanded, his eyes scanning the room for his intern. "Where the hell is Leo? Maggie if he isn't in front of me in ten seconds you're fired."

Maggie's face paled as she went to look for Leo who she found shortly after outside having a cigarette. "You're supposed to be working! We don't pay you to smoke cigarettes."

Leo scoffed, "You barely pay me at all."

"This is the job honey, if you can't handle it you're free to leave nobody's stopping you." She told him.

"Tell that to my rent and phone bill." Leo lived in a small one bedroom apartment at the edge of town. It was all he could afford and this job was his only source of income. All his life he wanted to be a photographer, the only reason he was an intern for play boy was because Maggie was his cousin and she pulled some strings and went through great lengths to get him this job.

"I have bills too." She affirmed, before pushing him into the room. Leo not expecting the force lost his balance and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized, thankfully he caught the women before she could hit the ground. "I didn't see you there are you okay?"

Demi shook her head, mumbling a quick yes, she finally got to get a good look at the person who mowed her down and she was taken back by how handsome he was.  He was wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt and baggie pants. He stood towering over her, what she couldn't get over was those eyes, the greenish grey combination seemed to suck her in almost immediately. She could stare at them for days. They held secrets and she wanted to know more about them.

"I'm sorry." She spluttered, realising she was caught staring. She felt embarrassed, and quickly shifted her gaze down to the floor.

Hiding his own shock, Leo gently lifted her chin, "There's no need to apologize darling, I bumped into you."

Warmth flooded her cheeks in embarrassment, "I'm a naturally clumsy person, this is the norm for me."

Leo chuckled, "you're the new cover girl right? Demi Lovato?"

"What gave it away?" She joked.

A throat cleared behind Leo, interrupting his chat, he turned around stiffly giving his boss a shy smile. Before turning back to demi, "Your dressing room is right this way."

Demi let out a girlish laugh as she watched the scene unfold. Leo was flustered and hurriedly directed her to her dressing room wanting to avoid his bosses heated gaze that clearly showed he was going to hear it before the day was over.

"He seems intense." Demi noted once they were away from prying ears. She fell into step with him easily, turning a corner towards the dressing area.

"He takes his job very seriously. I don't blame him though, he's an excellent photographer the best in the business in my opinion the way he interprets the lighting and color scene into simple pictures blows my mind every time. " Leo spoke highly of his boss who he was honored to be mentoring even if he was a pain in the ass.

"You're passionate about this, do you plan on filing in his spot one day." Demi nudged him playfully.

"I wish." Leo said longingly, "it would be an honor to work for this company."

Demi was hurriedly rushed off to makeup before she could even respond. She was intrigued by leo and genuinely enjoyed talking to him. She hoped she could see him again before her first day of shooting was over.

She ascended out of her dressing room three hours later in lingerie That showed everything that was to be desired, it covered little skin and she felt a sense of empowering knowing that she had gotten to a place where she felt pretty good with how she looked.

She walked into the room, all eyes were on her as she was told which poses to do and props to hold. Leo assisted by the camera.  Even though he has been to countless of these shots and seen just about every women. Demi was on another level it was like losing his virginity all over again.

Demi was a natural to the camera, some people struggled to find the right pose or angle. He was sure demi never experienced that in her life every angle was the right one when it came to her. It was as if she lived and breathed perfection.

The shoot was over for the night and Leo helped wrap up. Demi was off changing back in to the clothes she arrived in. Leo took the time to go congratulate her on a successful first day.

He knocked twice and heard a gentle "come in" he opted to bombard her with compliments but just settled​ into a little conversation.

"You did great today." He said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Demi slipped her foot into her heels sending him a bright smile. "Why do I have the feeling you say that to every play boy cover model."

Leo shook his head eager to defend himself, "Actually Ms. Lovato you are the first to ever get my congratulations for a cover shoot."

"Hmm, " she clicked her tongue, "It must be my lucky day then."

Leo smiled cheekily at her showcasing his dimples, "I guess it is."

"Do you always stay this late?" She wondered, retrieving her bag, "Or is this your special congratulatory party that only I have experienced?"

He quickly shut the door falling in step with her. "As much as I would love to feed your already monstrous ego. Im apart of clean up crew, he makes me stay back and make sure all his precious camera's are accounted for."

She lightly hit is arm, "My ego is not monstrous I simply appreciate compliments."

"Sure you do." He laughed, looking out at the night sky, "Do you want me to call a cab for you?"

"My assistant is bringing the car around, the real question is do you need a ride?" Leo shook his head, declining to take her up on her offer out of embarrassment. He did not want her anywhere near his neighborhood.

"Maybe next time I can take you somewhere?" He asked, before he eventually lost the courage to do so.

Demi turned around to face him a smirk forming on her lips, "I hope this isn't you shamelessly asking me on a date after knowing me for a couple hours."

Before he could plea his case Demi's assistant showed up with the car. Demi slowly backed away, sending Leo a wink. "I'll see you around."

Leo stood there in complete disarray as he watched the frustrating women's car disappear around a corner. For the first time in years he actually felt something for someone and that scared him.

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