Episode 5

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There wasn't much in demi's fridge, literally there was nothing edible in that thing! So leo had no choice but to go grocery shopping in the dead of the night. He left Demi a note slipping out into the rather cool la night for some food. He wanted to make her his mom's special recipe for spaghetti and meatballs. He also got some breakfast things like eggs and bacon. After stopping at the store to grab some juices and sodas. Leo arrived back to the house where Demi sat waiting for him at the counter.

"I didn't think you were going to come back." She admitted to him as she took some of the bags out of his hand and placed them on her granite countertop.

"I left a note that said I was going to the store. You have no food how am I going to make you dinner if your fridge is empty?" He laughed, taking the ingredients out of the bag.

Demi shrugged a weak smile coming across her face. "Any other guy would've ordered take out and took the credit for it."

Leo moved around the kitchen with ease, "Haven't you guessed already that I'm not your typical guy?"

She chuckled, "I'm starting to realize that, your better."

He passed her some peppers to cut, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"You know you aren't how I thought you would be." He admitted, "When I first met you no offense but I just thought you were one of those annoying, overrated celebrity's that just sleeps around with everyone and surrounds herself with fake friends that she only hangs out with to get into elite Hollywood parties."

Demi raised an eyebrow not at all offended by his comment.  That's what most people that didn't know her thought about her. "You're not the first person to tell me that." She responds, "Everyone assumes that since i like to party and I have wealth that my life is just fucking perfect. I'm human too and words hurt, I give off a bitchy persona because in this industry that's the only way people will take you seriously."

"Does it get hard? The attention I mean." Leo rolled up the ground beef in the seasoning. Tossing them around which Demi found very​ entertaining.

"Sometimes​." Demi giggled continuing to watch leo attempt to juggle. "Like for instance, when my addiction was put out there by a friend I thought I could trust. It was like Something that i struggled to accept myself was now world news and I had to make a statement and hold press conferences. I was told to lie to everyone including my parents when in the back of my mind I didn't understand why I was feeling like this in the first place. People I don't even know care so much about my personal life. I find it sweet at times but there's a fine line between everything."

"Oh, " Leo was shocked by her honesty, he was learning more about this amazing women every day. "That's got to suck, no wonder celebrity relationships don't last."

Demi raised an eyebrow, "So this is what you wanted to talk about all along? My relationships??"

"No, " leo quickly recovered, "I'm just curious, your the first celebrity I've actually gotten to talk to."

Demi rolled her eyes, "You wouldn't want to date someone like me. I'm constantly under scrutiny for everything I do. Hollywood is vicious, they would do everything in their power to tear us apart to the point where the only right thing to do is go our separate ways."

Leo shook his head stubbornly fierty in his eyes, "I don't believe that, there's always a way."

Demi shrugged, "Believe what you want, Ive been in the game longer than you and I've experienced first hand what they can do to a person... To a relationship.." Demi suddenly looked sad now, her face was crumbling by the second and Leo didn't know what to do, how to stop it.

In need of a distraction, he raced off towards the fridge, "So I got a surprise for you." Leo cheered excitedly, "Caprison or a hug?" He held out two of his favorite child hood drinks in front of him and all Demi could do was laugh. He was so serious and looked nervous, almost afraid to bring it up to her.

"You are such a child." She teased taking the drink out of his hand.

"I haven't had these in so long. So why not experience it together?" Leo said seriously opening his.

"We didn't have these where I grew up. My mother forbid me to drink them because of the amount of food coloring they put in it." She Took her first bite out of her food. "Mmm, this is delicious." She moaned, eyes rolling in the back of her head.

"Momma's recipe." He said proudly, "She used to make this every Friday. It was tradition in our family."

Demi swallowed her food dabbing her lips on a napkin, "Where is she now?"

Leo shrugged eyes drifting to his plate, "Haven't seen her since I came out when I was twelve. She kicked me out the house and that was about eight years ago."

Demi reached across the table grasping his hand, "I'm sorry that must've been really hard for you."

"It made me who I am today. I rather have no family then live a lie. If I would've stayed she would've never let me start my hormones. She would've brought me feminine clothes, called me by the wrong pronouns and completely ignore the fact that she had a son not a girl!" He said heatedly, forgetting the fact that he had demi's hand in a tight grip that cut off all blood supply to her​ fingers.

Demi winced.

"Shit I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, talking about her takes me to another place." He apologized. Concern washing over his face.

"Honestly it's fine. Doesn't even hurt that bad." She reassured him.

"What about you?" He asked, "I haven't heard you talk about your family since we've met."

Demi kneaded her fingers through her hair, a habit she did when she was nervous or uncomfortable. "There isn't much to talk about daddy was a alcoholic schizophrenic, mom left when I was thirteen didn't show back up in my life until I started getting famous." The pain that portrayed in demi's eyes was something that leo never wanted to see again.

"But look at us now. We're both better off without them." Leo held up his juice cup, "Cheers to that."

After dinner they settled to watch a comedy having enough depressing shit going on in their life. Both of them needed a good laugh. Demi's head was tested on Leo's shoulder his arm was around her so she was cuddled into him. This position was so natural for them, everything about this leo could get used to, he didn't want it to end ever. Demi made it half way through the movie before she was fast asleep, Leo chuckled to himself, he took a moment just to watch her. She had such natural beauty, this is the real Demi, the one he knew that was hidden inside of the movie star. As he carried her up to her room, he just hoped that things got better from there.

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