Episode 7

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Leo drove over to demi's house with a box of pizza that was strapped to the back of his bike and ice cream. Leo wasn't one to keep secrets, he was never good at it, the anxiety of telling someone and the pressure of saying nothing was eating him up.

When he opened the door with his spare key he could hear distantly the credits of a movie playing in the living room. Demi shot up at the sound of the door open and sprinted out the room and down the hall to the door.

"Hi you, how was work?" She asked, helping him with his bags.

Leo shrugged not saying anything he kept his head low, and didn't quite meet her eyes. He really wasn't helping his case, he knew he should've just went spent the night at his.  He payed her no mind, she went on to talk about her day, and how she was thinking of going back to work.

"That's great Demi.", He said distractedly.

Demi slide around the counter and trapped him between her and the stove. "You're not leaving this spot until you tell me what the hell happened."

"Nothing, I'm fine ok!" He said, frustrated at her tactic of trapping him, if she didn't move soon he'd end up telling her everything.

"Look, I get it, if you don't want to tell me but at least let me know something are you hurt?" The look of concern in her eyes made Leo's heart melt. He loved her, there was no doubt about it now and the betrayal he felt for sleeping Selena was consuming him.

"I slept with someone." He blurted out.

Demi stepped back, masking her emotions. He couldn't tell if she was mad or not she just gave him a blank stare that he didn't like at all. "Oh, that's what's got you so upset? It was meaningless right? It didn't mean anything?"

He shook his head, "I don't know, it happened so fast, I just don't go around sleeping with people. But she- it just happened."

Demi laughed bitterly, taking a slice of pizza out the box. "Whatever, we aren't dating you don't have to feel bad.  I really don't care, it's your life."

She was brushing him and his feelings off, she was becoming more aloof by the second and that was angering him. "I'm telling you something that is bothering me and your just brushing it off like it's nothing."

"What do you want me to tell you?" She snapped, slamming the carton of juice down, "That I'm fucking angry at you for fucking someone else when you spent the morning playing house with me?" She spat, inching closer to him, a dangerous look in her eye. "Your just like every other fucking guy who can't keep his dick in his pants. And you want me to be angry? Because I'm livid and hurt are you happy now??"

Demi turned her back to him and sniffed, "I want you out."

Leo shoulder's slumped, he desperately reached for Demi, to hold her in his arms and beg for her forgiveness but she side stepped him pointing to the door. "No, I'm not leaving, I'm not running away from this we have to deal with it."

"Deal with what Leo??! You had sex with some random chick, go stay at her place. I don't want you here."

Leo felt tears prickling in his eyes as Demi walked up to her room locking the door. Leo slumped to the floor resting his head on the door wiping at his eyes. "I love you, " he whispered loud enough for her to hear him. "I love you so much and I made a mistake. I know that now, all I could think about in that moment was you and im sorry I wasn't strong enough to stop it. We aren't dating and she seduced​ me there was just something about her I couldn't find myself to stop."

Shifting so he was laying on his side he continued, "I've never regretted anything in my life up until this moment. I promise you that if you give me- us a chance I'll do everything in my power to make it up to you Demi."

There was the sudden sound of footsteps in the room, some shuffling and then the door nob clicked then opened. Leo stood up,  taking a tentative step into the dark , gloomy room and sat at the end of the bed.

"I don't know why I feel like this." Demi said her voice thick with emotion. "We aren't even dating and yet I feel the heartbreak of being cheated on, why is that?"

Because you love me, "I don't know."

"I'm more angry then anything, I thought we had something special. These last couple days with you have been the best days of my life. I've never felt this happy before. You make me feel insecure, my mind does this thing where it convinces me that I'm not good enough for you, that I'm not pretty enough to be with you and it drives me crazy because I know it's true. You can have anyone you want, and tonight proved it. "

"I don't want anyone Demi. I love you and want you." He used his thumb to wide at her wet eyes.

"If you wanted me you wouldn't have done that." She told him, ,"And I think we need time apart. I need it and you may not understand and I don't expect you to. I just ask you respect my wishes."

"But-" Leo began to protest.

Demi gave him an exhausted and down right defeated look. "I'm telling you leo. Just go, and don't come back." She was using this as her scapegoat she knew that and yet she didn't stop him when he gave her one last prolonged look, his eyes pleading with her, hoping she'd stop him and take him into her arms. She watched him walk away knowing that there was no coming back from this.

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