Episode 6

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Demi woke up to an empty bed, nowadays this was something that didn't bother her as much as it did before. Sleeping with a different person every night, waking up in places that held no familiarity. She finally felt she was getting her life back on track after that dreadful night.

She would never forget, a life was lost and her was partially to blame for getting in a car with a drunk. She had regrets and if she could go back to that night she would do things differently. But that wasn't the case, she couldn't change it. Demi stretched her limps groaning at the soreness in her back. Her eyes drifted around the room, the time on her wall said nine thirty am.

Swinging her legs over, she stepped down onto a body, that let out a painful yelp in the process. "Ouch!"

"Leo??" Demi proclaimed, "What the hell are you doing sleeping on the floor??" She had assumed he left last night.

"You fell asleep last night and after everything I didn't want to leave you alone in case you had nightmares or something." He answered sheepishly.

Demi's heart fluttered, it was still a foreign thing to her when people did little things to show they cared about her. "You do realize I have several guest bedrooms that you could've resided in right?"

Leo shuffled off the floor so he was standing upright. Bed hair scattered across his face as he tried to fix it into a certain direction, becoming insecure, no one has ever seen him in the morning, his true self. "I'll keep that in mind next time. I've slept in worse conditions your floor is heaven if I was putting it lightly. I'd do it all over again if I had to."

Demi shook her head at his stubbornness, "Do you want breakfast? It's only right that I feed you after you honorably slept on the cold hard floor."

Leo smiled at her witty sarcasm and nodded. "I guess I'll endure your cooking before I leave out for work. Maybe it'll kill me and get me out of paper work for today."

Demi slapped his arm as she walked past him."Fucking asshole." She shouted behind her.

Leo boldly responded,"Your asshole." And was never hit with a reply.

He walked down the hall to one of demi's many guest rooms and used the shower and a spare toothbrush that she had in the cabinet. He then redressed into his clothes. Blindlessly walking down the stairs while trying to put his shirt on.

"Is that bacon I smell?" He said in a childish excitement. Sliding into one of the stools at the counter.

"You're correct and it's almost done since you took forever getting ready." Demi flipped the omelette she made one last time before transferring it onto a place.

"Well sorry your highness, that all of us don't wake up looking like a goddess. I'm a pure mortal forgive me!" He joked dramatically bowing down to her.

Demi shook her head, "Are you always like this in the morning?"

Leo broke off a piece of his bacon popping it into his mouth. "Only when I wake up to a beautiful women."

Demi used the spatula she was holding to wack him on her head. To hide the obvious redness that flooded her cheeks at his words.

Leo laughed shooting up from the table, "Are you always this violent!" Demi chases after him both laughing their asses off.

"Your being a flirt! Stop it!" She tackled him into the chair straddling his waist.

"Don't act like you don't like it." He teased her, tickling her sides to weaken her defense. Leo used all of his strength to stand up with Demi who wrapped  her arm and legs around his body locking her legs around his torso, arms around his neck as she screamed not expecting the sudden change in position. Leo, stumbled a bit, but not long and soon regained his balance.

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