Episode 4

141 11 4

Leo watched the news in disbelief, everything that he was hearing about Demi was shocking to say the least. As much as he didn't want to care, his heart was bigger than the sane part of him that wanted to hate her for what she did to him. Somehow, she had this invisible hold on him that he just couldn't deny. It wasn't like he had alot of women flaunting themselves at him in the first place. His flings usually lasted no more then a couple of days, It was all good until they realized who he was. So demi's reaction was normal although that didn't make it hurt any less.

That was the least of his worries right now as he threw on a pair of jeans that he hoped didn't smell too bad. His place was a mess and he hasn't did laundry for the week yet. "Where are you going?" His best friend asked. Richie and leo met on his first day of interning. Lately they've been spending more time together. It was unusual for him to make friends and them not use him or run off when they actually get to know him. What Leo loved about Richie was that he just didn't care. He didn't look at him any differently and treated him just like he would his other guy friends.

"I'm going to see demi, I need to make sure she's ok." He admitted, not waiting for the opinion of his friend. No one could stop him from seeing her. He knew this had to be hard on her.

He hopped on his newly brought motorcycle, he had been saving up for one for the longest and the raise that he Thankfully received last week was enough to purchase his bike. Leo always wanted a motorcycle he preferred them over cars, less of a hassle and to him he enjoyed the thrill of it entirely.

He had got demi's address from his bosses office, as stalkerish as he found that- he justified that it was nesscary giving the situation. He arrived to demi's house in little to no time. There wasn't much traffic because it was the middle of the night. After nine the streets start to clear up.

Unlike the other houses on the block demi's stood out like a sore thumb. Hers was the only one that wasn't gated and didn't have a fountain displayed in the middle of her driveway. Using the courage that he first arrived with leo knocked on her door several times waiting for an answer that never came.

He figured she wouldn't answer so it was time for plan b. Which was finding a spare key somewhere around here. He knew she had one somewhere, Demi seemed like the type to hide it under her plant or somewhere in a bush, which he later found out that the women was actually more clever than he thought. the key was actually underneath a piece of concrete that was slightly raised but not enough to be noticable if that made sense.

Unlocking her door he walked in taking in the gorgeous house. He didn't come from a rich family. So this to him, the architect of the room and the detailed structure really surprised him. "Demi?" He called, opening one of the bedroom doors. Luckily he picked the right one and he spotted a body, curled up in the middle of the bed. By the wails and echoed throughout the room it was obvious she was crying.

Leo said nothing and acted immediately, he stepped out of his tight jeans. Slipping into the bed, pulling her into his chest. He rubs her back, brushing away the hair that clung to her wet face. "It's going to be ok, I'm here now."

"I-I didn't know." She hiccuped,  clutching his t shirt, "I was drunk and I hit my head I- she's dead and it's all my fault."

Leo places a tender kiss on her head, drawling circles on her back. "It's not your fault, you were wasted and so was everyone else. I know I wasn't there but you weren't the one driving.,"

"I should've done something to stop it." She wheezed, "I can't remember anything from that night. All I can remember is hitting my head and screams."

"Sssh, take deep breaths Demi before you have a panic attack." Leo told her, demi did as told and calmed down. She was still in a state of shock. She looked horrible, like literal death and Leo didn't know what to do to make her feel better. Or at least get her out of bed.

"Have you eaten?" He questioned.

Demi shook her head.

Leo shot up, suddenly getting an idea. "I'm fixing you dinner and you can't get out of it. I want you to get dressed and come down stairs when you're done. I'll start it."

Demi groaned, shoving her head into the pillow. "I just want to lay here and die."

Leo maneuvered to her side of the bed, climbing on top of her before attacking her sides. Demi squirmed letting out a high pitched laugh as she fought Leo's hands. "Stop it! I'm going to pee myself!"

"Promise you'll get up and come down stairs for dinner!" Leo laughed not giving up.

"Fine, fine!" Demi caved, breathing a sigh of relief when Leo slid off of her and onto the bed. Both of them were out of breath and had tears in their eyes.

Demi stood up, and stared at Leo with solemn eyes. There was this sadness in the air that just wouldn't go away. "Thank you leo, for doing this. I know I don't deserve your help after the way I treated you. But the fact that you came here, broke into my house to check up on me means a lot."

Leo grinned at the last part, he sat up in the bed scooting over so his legs dangled off the side. He reached for demi's hands and she walked towards him slowly, head hung low as she stepped between his legs. Leo played with her fingers for several seconds before responding. "I never stopped caring about you, even if this isn't what you want. I'll always be here for you even if it is just as a friend."

Demi nodded, shooting him a soft smile as she leaned forward, giving him a delicate kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the bathroom.


AN/ Is anyone good with covers?? I'm desperate here!

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