Chapter SIX

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I fell flat on my face.

If you don't think that that's bad enough, then I don't' know what is, honestly!

It's not like I'm wearing extremely sweaty shoes or anything, they just happen to stick to the ground a lot when I push them forwards. I wore the brand Shuffts – ever heard of them? They're like your old modern 'tennis shoes' and 'Sneakers', I think. I can't really tell, but they're thinner and meant for slow walking, with comfortable pads. I do like them! They let you breathe in air too, but somehow block out water.

They're really cool. Hopefully you'll get to try some one someday in your everyday life.

But, eh, I had normally tripped on the ground, and I thought that I was holding myself up, but somehow I fell.

Oh god, was that embarrassing, even though I was pretty sure no one was around. But I guess it is kind of funny. I hope it is! Otherwise I'd be telling you this for nothing!

I mean, just thinking if another human being was there, I bet you all that they would've heard was the squeaking of my shoes, and then just a plop of my body.

Haha. Laugh, please. My humiliation was a sacrifice, at least, I hope.

Besides that, I continued on the search for a way out; not like out of the ship, God no, that would've killed me. I just wanted to see if I could get out of the dark.

But in the blue, I heard the tapping of feet against the tiles, a couple hallways to my right. It reminded me of both tap dancing shoes and sneakers at the same time, so I got weird vibes from that, but decided to pull myself to the corner of the wall and peer around, trying to find something.

The tapping sound was slow, inconsistent, as if taking they're time on something, or maybe stumbling; in particular, a few times it seemed as though they were dragging their feet behind them. Maybe they were clumsy?

On the contrast, when I looked around, I noticed a light emerging from the corner, an actual light. It looked somewhat bright, so I got the feeling that it wouldn't be lasting for more than a few hours. And that sucks!

Moreover, in addition to this yellow light source, a figure shuffled into the middle of the intersection, swinging the light around. Due to the fact of the black hazy 'fog' wallowing around us, I wasn't able to see them very clearly, but I thought that I could see the outline of a bun and a lab coat...

I had to put my thinking cap aside because the person pointed the light in my direction, and began to almost limp down my path. Hearing short breaths from them, I wondered if I should just take the beam and run, or if I should speak with them. However, this person set off the image that they weren't in the best of shape, and I would kind of feel guilty to just take their stuff without saying anything. Wouldn't that be kind of rude and disrespectful? I thought so too, thank you for agreeing with me, you star, you.

Maybe they were a perfectly calm person, willing to speak their mind? Yet, they also could be a psychopath ready to serial killer my ass.

You know what? Screw it! I don't give a damn anymore!

Right as I nodded my head to myself in that manner of 'you can do this, don't be a chicken', I bumped into the person, causing us to both stumble back and stare at each other.

That is, I tried to look at this person, but when they shone that now-wretched flashlight into my eyes, I hissed and looked away, hiding my eyes.

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