Xx Arthur xX

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I don't know why but I always get a certain thrill from being chased by bandits in the forest with very little chance of survival. Well, maybe not the last part.

I have been king for three years now and Camelot lives in a peaceful age where I can do pretty much whatever I like and get away with it. This new life has is good side as well as bad.  My horse pounds the ground with its hooves, I kick it to go faster as an arrow flies past my head.

In the distance I can hear the yells of evil men flailing after me, the rest of the group, Leon, Merlin, Gwaine and Percival lie hidden somewhere beyond me, another arrow zooms past as I go only faster.

The bandits are almost on me I veer to the right down a muddy creek and almost fall off my horse as Merlin jumps in front of me.

"Merlin you dimwit! What the hell are you doing?" I whisper yell at him. He replies with a goofy smile and chucks me a sword. Just in time, a man dressed in black and grey nearly knocks me off again as he attacks me, screaming, foaming and white eyes all suddenly in my face.

I push him off me and swing the butt of my sword against his temple, he falls unconscious on the ground. A strangled scream behind me make me turn round in time to see Gwaine pull a sword out of the back of another bandit.

"How's your morning been Sire?" He asks grinning as another man runs towards him holding a mace, Gwaine brings out a small crossbow and takes a perfect shot.

"You know, same old, same old." I reply, focusing on my own enemy at the same time. I spot Merlin losing against a woman out the corner of my eye. Gwaine seems to notice as well and shoots again, the woman falls to the ground and Merlin looks surprised at the dead body. I swear he makes a fist pump but in the midst of the action, I prioritise the man in front of me.

Soon they are all either dead or have run in defeat and we all breath heavily at our victory. Leon approaches me, looking serious as ever.

"Sire, we believe they are Morgana's men, they hold the symbol of the old religion on their wrists, I believe she is using it to tally allies." He says casting a glance down to the body at my feet, I look down too and realise how small the body is, I bend down and lift the bandages around his face, the boy looks barely sixteen. Morgana has hit a new low, something I thought was not possible for her.

"He's alive." I say feeling a faint and weak pulse on his neck, carefully I lift the boy and hand him to Leon who instantly lifts him onto his horse.

"Get him to Gaius as soon as we return, I refuse to let a boy die at the hands of Morgana's wraith. Leon nods and canters off into the forest. I breath deeply, trying to calm my adrenaline down.

Something suddenly hits me.

"Where's my servant idiot?" I ask aware of a missing presence usually filled with an annoying sarcastic Merlin.
I almost felt lonely without him with me, I guess he is always there and I have grown used to that, it's strange when he is gone.

"Here Sire."I follow the voice to Merlin who comes over carrying a stick. I cannot use words to describe the utter embarrassment I have for a servant.

"What the hell are you doing with that Merlin?" I breath, Gwiane snorts and I send him a glare so deadly it could kill, Merlin stands with his usual stupid half-brained smile unaware of the awkwardness.

"I was fighting. With it." Merlin replies and jabs my side with it, I sway slightly trying to control my anger. Too late.

"Merlin you are walking." He looked surprised at my words.

"What why?" I almost regret what I said until he waved the stick above his head.

"You know why! Put the stick down!" Gwaine snorts again unable to control himself, I think I turned purple with rage.

"Fine, Sire." Merlin says sarcastically and throws the sick at a tree, it bounces off and hits him in the head. I suppress a laugh, Gwiane dies from laughing on the forest floor.

The sound of hooves and Percival trots over with five horses, I saddle up and we make way for Camelot. Talk about saving me from further embarrassment.

Merlin - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now