Xx Christmas Special xX

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"Merlin get me a turkey!"

Fatal last words.

I am now sat in the turkey pen, covered in only god knows what and holding a stupid turkey who looks like it just saw the end and cannot wait to jump onto the knife. I actually swear this turkey is the only bird I will ever know to have a death wish.

It clucks and snaps it's head to look at me, I glare back, determined to win this gruelling match of ownership.

Merlin Vs Turkey.

So far it's one : one...

I'd say that's almost a win.

Sighing I stand up cradling the turkey in my arms and move out the pen, past a bewildered turkey owner, who specifically said that the turkeys were docile creatures only moments before. I think I must have picked the only turkey from the underworld.

I make my way up the castle steps to the battlements where I drew the attention from the guards on duty and servants passing by. I think the mud covered face probably sold it to them that I am either insane or a great bird lover. The teasing in the kitchens will never end now.

Caught too deep in my thoughts I charge straight into Lancelot. The bird flies from my grasp and straight over the seven foot wall into the humming village Christmas crowd below. "Merlin, watch where your-" I ignore him and run to the wall, seeing a hay cart below I jump and land in the hay, only adding to my only beautiful looks. This turkey has not caught me out yet.

"MERLIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I here screaming from above and I look up and wave at the shocked face of Lancelot and a maid. A squawk in the hay attracts my attention, I dive into the hay finding a wriggling bird at the bottom, in a desperate attempt to escape it flaps its stupidly large wings and jumps out the cart. Straight into the face of Leon who falls and knocks over a cart of fruit, which hits a clothes cart, which pushes over an animal cart. Soon the market it utter chaos.

I roll out of the cart and pick up Leon, desperately scanning the chaos for devil turkey. "Merlin need some help?" Leon asks and I turn to look at him with wide eyes, he just looks scared. "Turkey, must find. Feast. Split up?"

We go our separate ways so fast that I lose Leon far too quickly in the mess we cause.

I jump over a fallen cart, spotting the familiar white feathered bum toddle around a corner, breaking into a sprint to catch up I miss the invisible string the village kids set up. I fly forwards and land face first in the mud, giggling and laughter crack up around me and I promise myself I would find revenge after catching the darned turkey.

If I can catch this turkey.

Stumbling through the mud I make it around the corner to see the turkey, its beady eyes watching my every move. I stand up slowly, holding my hand out to show I am unafraid and take a slow step towards it. I can see Leon and Lancelot behind doing the same thing, to my left I spot Percival and to my right I see a wild Elyan who is couched down low to the ground.

I hold up three fingers and everyone nods.




We all charge at the unfortunate Turkey from hell, it makes a strangled scream and jumps in all directions trying to find a possible escape from its inevitable doom. I leap, and notice that everyone else is leaping as well, with a bang armour clashes into armour, heads into skulls and with end in a heap with me and my Turkey at the bottom. The Turkey clucked like it was saying "See? Look what you have gotten us into?" It wasn't that wrong.

The knights flop off the pile one by one and help me up, going to dust my off then realise I am covered in dung and mud and walk off. Accepting the inconsiderate "That's a dumb bird, almost as stupid as you Merlin!" As a goodbye I sprint to the kitchens, trying desperately hard not to trip over and lose the demon turkey.

I reach the kitchens with three minutes to spare and slam the turkey on the counter making a large bang. "Here." I announce triumphantly, making everyone scream to my delight. I grin at the surprised cooks, until the head cook storms over.

"What in the kings name are you doing with that thing in my kitchen!" She yells and points over to a large piece of meat on the fire. I glance at it and see the familiar shape of a turkey slowly spinning on a metal stake.

So Arthur wanted two turkeys....

A sharp sting to my cheek and I notice the head cook is armed with a spoon, I make strange noises trying to make a filler for the large silence, the turkey helps by clucking. The head chef raises the spoon and screams, "GET OUT YOU CHEEKY LITTLE-" But me and the turkey are long gone, running until I had no breath to spare and sweat poured down my face.

Arthur made me go to all that work...

And he didn't even need the turkey.

What a wonderful way to end the festive season.

AN: So I know Christmas has been and gone but my laptop decided to die over Christmas and today was the day I could finally publish this!

 Your welcome. 

I tried.


Thanks so much, usually its only me who reads these but maybe there are other people actually enjoying my work ;)


Alec X Magnus from Shadowhunters
What babes...

Kitty out!

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