Xx Gwaine xX

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Leaping over a log in three hundred pounds of chainmail while charging towards a known sorcerer was not my first idea of fun.

Sure the aftermath and the phrase from all the women back in Camelot was nice once in a while but to get it? It's all hard work. What's worse is that the guy we are chasing is an old flimsy man with a pointy hat.

Arthur screams something at Percy and I, we nod and sprint faster round some bushes to cut the ancient fella off. I grumble the entire way while Percy does his stoic and silent face. A holly leaf, barely the size of my palm, drags its spine across my skin and tears the top layer. Nothing happens. It goes red and blotchy. So I complain to Mr Silent about that instead.

"Gwaine. For once in your life. Please be quiet." Percy asks evidently irritated at my lack of ability to shut up. I make a face and turn my attention to the chaos ahead.


Arthur and a few men on horseback seem to be making way towards the guy. He keeps casting weird unnatural spells, for instance, he turned my horse into a vase of flowers and Percy's sword into a nicely painted rock (A wonderful bunny rabbit I must say). Neither will end well in the stories to come when Leon come up to us and says in his deep highly sexual voice:

"You lads remember when you rode a vase?"

I would love to throw the rock in this wizards face.


I shake the image out of my head and realise the fight was still going on. With a yell and grabbing the nearest stick I could find I charge out the bush, which I now recall to be a Primrose, bringing the stick successful down on the Wizards head.

He makes a strange snort and face plants to the ground. Standing up, I wait for the congratulations from Arthur. There is none.

I look around and realise that the kings handpicked knights of Camelot, including the king himself. Lay sound asleep around my feet. Most of which, were snoring. I go over to Percy and poke him in the face, his lips fold over each other but nothing else happens. I pour water on Arthur and he sleeps through it. I scream in Leon's ear and the most he does is very slowly slap me across the face, his fingers gently caressing my beard. I push him away and turn to the wizard.

Merlin lies groaning in the wizards place.

I run to him and help him up, so many thoughts zoom in and out my head that I want to smash it against a tree. He is breathing heavily, his 'cloak' is covered in mud and leaves and even now I can tell he is in no shape to run away. Where I hit him with the log is bloody and bruised, flecks of red stand out in his raven hair. It gives me the urge to vomit.

"Merlin?" I ask, quietly and unsure of myself. His eyes start to roll back to his head so I slap him across the face with my glove. He returns to himself and a little colour sparks in his cheeks.

"Gwaine, what did you see exactly?" He whispers, his voice makes it clear he is still woozy. Part of my good nature wants to tell the truth, the other, more secretive, wishes to lie. The powerful side won.

"I saw an old man carrying turnips run off and everyone else asleep." I state grinning and rolling onto my back. I pretty sure Merlin saw the uneasy glance but if he did he said nothing. Merlin stood up and took off the cloak throwing it into a nearby bush and returning later. There was so much silence that even I couldn't fill with my beautiful words. "You saw me didn't you." Merlin says after another long uncomfortable silence, the most I can do is nod.

"I am not... Not dangerous, I swear." He says looking down towards the ground, I groan and roll back onto my back. Being a noble knight is hard. All laws in Camelot suggest I kill him on the spot. But what was the crime in the first place?

I am pretty sure that turning the kings soup into a small dwarf who instantly ran and committed suicide was not worthy of death. The dwarf wasn't even a dwarf, more like a small blob with a hat. There seemed to be no intention of harm, only good humour. I have to say the kings reaction was perfect. I laughed so hard I cried.

"I get it Merlin." My voice low and sombre, on my back I can see sunlight peeping through the clouds, the light is hazy, perfect weather to get absolutely wasted in. Better than winter, as soon as the bar tender kicks you out, you have to go home which sucks.

Merlin smiles and holds out both his wrists. "You can tell Arthur if you want. I don't want you to feel burdened." I wave him away with a flick of my wrist.

"Trust me, I am going to get so drunk tonight I won't remember a thing. Besides I am not the one carrying the weight of destiny on my shoulders am I now?" I reply and Merlin seems to straighten at the mere mention of the word destiny. "How do you know about my destiny?"

"I didn't. But all great people have one don't they? You, Arthur, Uthur and let's not forget Morgana. Probably even Percy, as thick as he is." Merlin snorts and stands up, holding out a hand to me. I take it and feel the blood rush to my head with the sudden change in position. "I am going to clear the spell, be prepared for some smelly side effects."

"Like what?" I ask, as Arthur suddenly comes to his senses.

"I wouldn't go near the castles toilets for while is you catch my drift." He whispers in reply. 

You could smell it for months after. Merlin and I could not contain our laughter when the King can into the court-room with a peg on his nose. It earned us both a day in the stocks.

Maybe Magic isn't always a terrible thing...




~Pops a party popper~

Thank you so much it means the world to me! It has inspired me to keep writing and maybe start another weirder book I am not sure yet. If we reach 100 reads I will post another chapter the same night.... or as soon as possible.


~Squishes a melon in anticipation~


Who doesn't want to see a kiss scene with these two?

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Whatever floats your boat I don't mind.
Thank you for reading!

Kitty out!


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