Xx Morgana x Merlin xX

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So before I begin just wanted to say this is from when Morgana reveals her magic to Merlin. It is an AU.

The dawn is always something to behold across the great lake of Avalon. The mist, still hanging like a silent spirit, is lit with fiery rays of sunshine, streaking through the mountains. Then the birds start their chorus, a flow of sound that only they understand, music to the ears of man.

I look behind me and a silhouette of a woman strolls towards the lake, I can tell her gaze lies only on the water beyond. I reach out a hand and she takes it, joining me in a comfortable silence as we watch the world wake up.

I yawn and blink in the sunlight as it rises into the sky, Morgana smiles and takes my hand, playing with the golden ring which symbolises the unbreakable bond we share. I watch her in mutual interest and curl and uncurl my worn and callused fingers, it makes her smile.

To the rest of the world, we are husband and wife, living in a simple house by a lake, enjoying the wonders of life as it gives it us. That is true in most aspects, but we both hold within us a gift handed down through generations of men and women.


Uther outlawed magic some many years ago. Morgana, his ward, realised she had the gift and ran to me. Why she came straight to me I will never know.

I was born with the gift.

As first I believed it was a curse in disguise, helping Arthur get his sorry royal arse into bed every night was not a fun job. Even after saving him so many times I care not count anymore, the 'destiny' remained the same.

Then I found Morgana.

She was always beautiful and who could not fall in love with a woman who was as kind as she was intelligent. I refused to let her be tainted by the man who called himself a king, who killed without conscience or mercy.

We ran away together.

I quickly taught her all I knew, as time flew by our own affections for one another grew considerably. We built a house together, I work as the local village doctor and Morgana keeps a flowering and growing farm going. When I have few moments of free time I fish and hunt for dinner or help Morgana on the farm.

She nestles her head into my neck, I place an arm around her shoulder and feel how cold she is. Without saying anything I allow my eyes to burn orange and a tiny flame grows in the palm of my hand. We both watch it flicker and dance in silence, she already feels warmer.

When she finally does speak it's quiet and soft, like a small stream in a valley of silence.

"Uther is still relentless in his searching, word has it he is destroying villages now." I catch my breath and release it slowly, squeezing her fingers in comfort.

"I won't let him touch you." I reply sternly, the decision already made inside my head, she smiles slightly.

"So many innocent people are dying because of my actions." She counters bringing her hands to her lap and standing up, I hurry to stand as well.

"Our actions. I made this choice too Morgana, don't blame yourself." I raise my hand to her shoulder and place it lightly in comfort. She doesn't shrug it off but I can tell she doesn't want it there.

I sigh and return my gaze to the lake, a strange sense of calm takes over my brain. I take her hand in mine and lead her back inside the cottage.

"Maybe we should lie low for awhile." I suggest once inside the tiny but homely cabin we built ourselves.

There is a short and awkward silence in which I regret everything I just said. Morgana sighs and turns away from me.

"No. You have patients to tend to and with winter coming I need to collect food for the animals." Morgana picks up a shawl and wraps it around her shoulders, I hand her a basket as she lifts the hood over her head.

"Stay safe." The words were meant to be reassuring but sounded weak coming from my mouth. She smiles and kisses me lightly on the cheek before exiting the cottage.

Shortly after she leaves I follow, taking a winding path which leads into the local village. I walk slowly entering the first patients house in the afternoon. She is an elderly lady in need of oils for her old body, I give the items needed and leave quickly.

The next patient is a man with a broken leg, the bone is fractured in several places. I replace the old bandages and check for signs of inflammation.

A commotion outside makes me stand to look out the small window. The man moves and I return my gaze to his face, with some effort he whispers words which bring bile to the back of my mouth

"I'm sorry. They paid well, I wish you and the ward much luck. If I didn't... my family would perish. I hope you understand."

I feel my eyes widen and I leave with such haste that the door swings wildly behind me. Men wearing red robes charge through the village brandishing torches and steel swords. My heart hammers against my chest as I pelt through the village searching desperately for Morgana.

Women and children scream and run in fear as the men mercilessly set alight homes and murder men. I hold my breath as smoke billows from a nearby window.

"Merlin!" Morgana grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction of our home. We sprint together, avoiding knights and villagers alike, I grip her hand so hard I am scared I might break it but the fear I might never hold it again is stronger.

We turn and I curse as a wall blocks our pathway, we breath heavily wondering what to do.

The sound of chainmail behind us draws closer. We are screwed.

"Move and you die." The familiar voice, strikes fear into my heart, something large and sharp is placed on my back. I stop moving and let go of Morgana's hand, she glances at my under the cloak and nods slightly. Slowly I raise my hands to head level. Arthur grabs them and forcefully turns me to face him.


My eyes glow gold before he can finish his sentence.
AN: So I hope you liked that...
Hey past me, look I wrote dark stuff, I think the next chapter will be funnier, hopefully.
I am not really sure what happened at the end there.
This was all written on my phone so be proud. I am currently on holiday in France so why I am posting I have no clue.
Comment and vote if you want more.
Or don't. I mean. Do what ever you want.

Something I am going to start is ship of the chapter. I don't know. I though it might be a good idea.
Today's ship is
-insert drum role-

Uther and Merlin

Thoughts, views, options??

Hope you enjoyed
Kitty out

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