Xx Time xX

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Click. Click. Click. Click.
"It's just a lamp Merlin. Please don't wear it out."
The room lit up once again, shadows stretched against walls and hid the cracks which appeared as if from nowhere. It became so bright that Merlin had to squint to avoid the edges of his vision becoming black. It was uncomfortable and hurt his head, tugging the tiny cord again the satisfying:
Could be heard and the room snapped into darkness, his eyes saw nothing but an ebony mist, he tried to shake his hands in front of his eyes and only had the feeling of cool air hitting his face. A sudden longing for the outdoors hit him hard in the chest like a sledgehammer crashes against a wall. Realising that in order to see to exit he would have to pull the cord again he fumbled for it in the darkness.
"I think I want to leave now." He said slowly, rubbing his temples as the sudden light caused his head to feel far too small for his brain.

He looked up for a moment and caught the figures eye, Merlin saw his blond hair bob for a moment before opening the door, a brighter but more natural light broke into the room.

"It is as if you have never seen a lamp before, you must have lived in the Stone Age."

Merlin smiled but couldn't find the words to explain to a friendly neighbour why in his hermit hut by the lake he didn't have electricity or a shower or those things he called a mobile.

Time shifted in fickle and tricky ways, some years flew faster than others. Winter often felt much longer than spring, Merlin used to wait by his fire until the grass exploded through the snow and the birds sang once more. Always waiting, he waited for the bird to mend its broken wing and the flames by the hearth to die down enough for him to add another log. Waiting for the return of the king.

He watched as well. Gazed at each burning sunset, every dying plant, counted the waves as they rolled across the shore. He spent too long squinting at the crystal surface of the lake, remembering when it carried the glowing body into its icy depths.

"You seem to think a lot for a twenty year old man."

Merlin snapped back to the present, Toby - a far too kind and considerate, glutinous, bear-like man - was smirking at him with both eyebrows raised. Already sweat circles could be seen under his far too bright golfing shirt, it wasn't particularly warm but Toby seemed to constantly be sweating.

Twenty year old man. True he must look the part, since the king passed Merlin had not aged a day. He had the choice to be as old as he cared, magic allowed that, yet it was easier for the locals to like him if he wasn't wrinkled and hunched over. Merlin had lived so long the years were merely minutes now.

He stood up properly now that his eyes were adjusted to the sunlight. "I guess I do."

Toby's eyebrows raised even higher until they touched his receding hairline. It made Merlin smile, most people thought he had air for a brain even now.

"Oh yeah, Jude wanted you to know that the pregnancy went smoothly." He said his eyes lighting up at the mention of his wife and child.

" Congratulations on the girl!" Merlin replied patting Toby on the shoulder like he had seen men do even while the king was alive. It still confused him, what were they trying to do? Display dominance? Romantic affection? It made no sense, what was weirder was that it survived all these years. Some  actions never seemed to fade.

Toby chuckled, "It's a boy, scans were wrong."

Merlin felt blood rush to his cheeks but from the look on his friend's face no harm was done. "Did you decide on a name?"

"Yeah, it was weird, as if the name suited the baby as soon as I laid eyes on him."



AN: Short and sweet update for you!

So this is probably the last Merlin update for a little while as exams are building up and I need to study. :(

But I will try in any spare moments to type something up.

Love you all!

Kitty out!

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