Xx Merlin xX

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I wake up to another boring day in Camelot, I say boring, more flat. You see in Camelot, there are flat days, where nothing happens and bumpy days where some kind of evil wriggles its way into the castle walls.

Today I expected to be a flat day.

"MERLIN GET UP AND SEE ME NOW." Comes the roaring echo of his majesty.

That doesn't usually happen this early in the morning. I roll out of bed and charge down to the royal bedroom, almost falling through the door in the process.

Arthur is pacing on his own looking worried and anxious, I watch him for a few moments wondering if now is good time to interrupt.

"You're up early Sire." I say and Arthur stops pacing and stares at me in relief.

"Thank the gods your here Merlin." He replies and walks towards me clamping him hands on my shoulders, I nearly buckle under the weight. I shrug him off and walk over to his bed - daily routine has taught me never to look under the pillow for fear of what I might find there. For instance an old sock, was the result of last week's adventures.

"If you are anymore polite I would mistake you for royalty." I say smirking at my own joke, something large and hard hits me on the back of the head, I look down and see it's a boot.

"Merlin, do me a huge favour and shut up." Arthur sounds distracted and agitated again, I turn around and blink at him, realising he is pacing again. I put the bed sheet down and watch for a while.

"What's bothering you Arthur?" He stops and looks at me, eye brows furrowed in deep thought, I can't say it's a good look. He looks slightly like the birth-child of a troll and fairy combo, it shouldn't happen.

"Merlin, if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone else." I walk up to him not saying a word and nod slightly. The room stills and suddenly it gets much more serious, like the temperature drops and the fire dies down low.

"Well, me and Gwen, as you know, are currently, Husband and Wife... And we do things... adult things... that you wouldn't understand Merlin... and well when a mother and farther love each other very much..." Arthur says slowly, I can tell he is stalling. Did he actually just tell me that I didn't understand what sex is? I may be the world's most powerful warlock virgin, but that doesn't mean I don't understand how to make love.

"...And well I may have... completely accidentally...made Gwen... who is a kind, beautiful, charming, kind woman... pregnant." He finishes, I can feel the corners of my mouth rise in a smile, I grin and his stares back. I feel like jumping for joy, literally running out the window and flying into the sky, Camelot is saved we have an heir to the throne who isn't Arthur's strange and small cousin from the South!

"Arthur, that's fantastic!" I yell at him and he stares back. I go silent.

"Why aren't you celebrating... Why do you look like you are going to cry?" I question, he takes three steps backwards and falls on the chair.

"I am completely and utterly terrified Merlin. I don't even have to do the hard part. Do you even realise how much pressure is put on me to raise a child who will one day rule Camelot?" He says and I force snort to go back down my throat.

"Trust me. I have no idea what you are going through." I sympathise, barely concealing a laugh and Arthur proceeds to head butt the table. I am going to have to scrub that later I will add it to my list of:

Protect Arthur from constant impending doom.

Protect Camelot from said doom.

Merlin - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now