Xx Chicken xX

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My feet slap against the stone floor as I rush down the corridor. The chicken in my arms frantically flaps against my chest, feathers flying everywhere and I am struggling to hold the bag of flowers over my shoulder at the same time.

The chicken squawks and makes a violent kick with its feet, I didn't even realise they had claws until three were embedded in my thigh.

"Argh!" I yell as the chicken draws blood, in my anguish the bird makes a mad attempt at escape and flies out my arms. It hits the floor and starts sprinting off down the corridor, I drop everything in order to chase after it.

My leg makes me limp slightly but even still, this chicken has the legs of an athlete. I follow it through the castle running into unfortunate servants and guards, I yell my apologies behind my shoulder. As a result I get death glare in reply. I focus on this stupid chicken.

I round a corner charging straight into Arthur, we both go tumbling to the ground. I slide face first into a wall, pain explodes in my wounded leg. I can hear Arthur cursing loudly at my clumsiness but I ignore him and scramble to my feet. Chasing the chicken down the corridor.

"Merlin come back here and apologise!" He yells running after me, I force my legs to sprint harder as the chicken takes a right and I race to follow, Arthur gaining on me. He catches up and I yell at him as we run.

"Chicken, Sire."

I admit I am not the most I shape guy or Warlock out there so it was the most I could breath in my current condition. Arthur makes a strange, sarcastic, strangled, angry sound and speeds up.

"I know it's a chicken Merlin I am not blind!" He yells angrily.

"Just help me catch it will you?" I reply grinning as he gives me a frustrated glare.

Together we sprint after the chicken which by now has been running for so long I am surprised it's not had to lay an egg. It turns another corner.

Finally. A dead end.

In the form of the throne room.

Luckily for us, it's empty.

Arthur makes a signal which, to my understanding, means he attacks up front and I go round the side. We creep slowly towards the beast, which is watching me closely as it probably has decided I want to eat her.

"One..." Arthur whispers, advancing quietly, arms outstretched. I touch the war wound gingerly with my fingers in anticipation.

"Two..." The chicken clucked, its head tilted slightly, looking mildly interested as we approached, it blinked and stood upright again. We stop together, Arthur makes eye contact with me.

"Grab it!"

Arthur dives and the chicken squawks in terror, clearly realising its impeding doom. It sprinted out of Arthur's giant arms just in time. The prince tumbled to one side and groaned in pain.

I watched in a mixture of pride and amazement as the chicken dodged the attack before attacking myself.

I leap, screaming a war cry and landed to my joy, on top of the beast. It screeched and screamed under my weight, I rolled over and sat up. The bird held so tight in my grasp I think it was half suffocated.

Arthur coughed and rolled onto his back. "What are you doing... Chasing the chicken... from hell ... around the castle?" I grinned and waggled the bird in front of his face, he looked unamused.

Then I realised I was going to have to explain myself. I didn't really have a good excuse so being the amazingly smart person I was I spoke off the top of my head.

"Well the cook... told me she loves a good chicken... so I thought I would, you know, give her one." I stammer, I think even the chicken believed my story, it clucked.

The real reason was that Gwaine wanted to impress a local farm girl and had asked me to get him a feisty chicken as a fiery gift. I of coarse helped because if I didn't he would make me be Arthur's dummy for another training session. Which is never pleasant.

I have wonderful friends.

"Merlin I didn't know you had such affections for the cook," Arthur speaks so condescendingly I am momentarily taken off guard. However with a start I suddenly realise what he is about to say and the horror of the idea almost makes me gag.

"Maybe we should set you up on a date?" Arthur grins and I offer a small smile in return, a date with the overweight, stinky, hot-tempered head cook was the last thing I wanted.

"I am going to stick to giving chickens." I reply in a small but decisive voice. The bird clucks in agreement.

There is a moment of silence which is broken by Arthur who bursts out laughing, I join in too and soon we are crying on the floor of the throne room.

In the midst of our laughter the doors explode open and Uthur charges in, with the rest of the council anxiously following. They find us sat on the floor with me, holding a chicken.

There is an uncomfortable silence only broken by the chicken squawking.

Arthur rushes to his feet and I quickly join him, we both instantly try to explain ourselves.

"You see Sir I was holding a chicken and it clawed me-" I start.

"Merlin, being the daft idiot he is ran into me-" Arthur interrupts.

"And then we fell over in throne-" I say louder, Arthur elbows me.

Uther merely sighs. "I don't even want to know, just get out of my sight. " We bow and rush out the throne room grinning like fools, even the bird was smiling at our victory.

Turns out Gwaine didn't even need the stupid chicken.


AN: So a bit more light hearted than the last chapter. Hopefully humorous too but I don't know me humour is quite sad really.

I have no idea what I am going to post next so... We shall see.

Ship of the chapter

Morgana x Mordred

Thoughts, views and opinions??

To be honest I don't think it would work and did anyone else notice Mordred grew remarkably quickly in the five seasons. Also


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Kitty out

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