Party of Despair! Body Discovery #1!

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Top picture: A picture of Byakuya's Party

*Ding dong, bing bong!*

Monokuma:Gooood morning, everyone! Time to greet another perfect, tropical day! 

Tio:*I slammed my pillow over my ears. I thought if I  blocked Monokuma's words out, that this would all be a dream and I'd wake up to Akemi's singing like I usually did. But that wasn't the case. Remembering Byakuya's meeting plans for today, I sat up and sighed.* Guess I'd better head to the restaurant. Byakuya will get angry if I show up late again. *With whatever strength I had left, I began the trek to the restaurant to meet up with the others. Immediately, I saw Nagito and Midori near my cottage* Hey Nagito. What's up?

Nagito:*sighs heavily* Not everyone here is as strong as Byakuya. I've never...thought about having to overcome anything before. It's not like I'd just run away from my problems, but...It's more like I was just living my life without thinking about them at all. Even so...I was still able to live. But this is different. 

Midori:Nagito-kun...*her tone was a warning one* 

Nagito:*smiles slightly* Ah, I'm sorry. I was being too negative.

Tio:You're not the only one. *I looked at the picture I had of Akemi and held it close* 

Midori:You're talking about Akemi, aren't you? Your sister.

Tio:*I nodded* She means everything to me. If there's any way...Any way at all I can find her or find out if Monokuma did anything to hurt her...I'll take it.

Midori:*her eyes widened in horror* But...Surely you wouldn't think of-!

Tio:*I realized the problem with what I said and shook my head* No! I wouldn't kill anyone! Not even for that! The only one I will kill when it comes to her...Is Monokuma.

Midori:*sighs with relief*

Tio:*I turned to Nagito* You're not the only one who feels that way. I feel the same, too. 

Nagito:But now that we've talked...I feel assured once again. Being loners won't do us any good in this situation. That's why I think we should help each other out. Also...I think we need to get stronger. An ordeal like this is what'll make us cling to hope

Midori:Y-Yeah. You're right, Nagito.

Nagito:*smiles* Well...Midori and I are going to the restaurant now. 

Midori:*smiles as well and waves at me* Bye now!

Tio:*I smiled as they left* They make a lovely couple. *I walked to the restaurant. It was then that I saw Chiaki walking alone. I smiled and decided to make a friendly conversation with her.* Good morning, Chiaki. 

Chiaki:...Good morning. *she sounded disappointed*

Tio:*I looked at her, concerned* What's the matter, Chiaki?

Chiaki:Tio...Why do you push me away?

Tio:*I was surprised, shocked even, to hear her ask that* Chiaki...I haven't been pushing you away! It's just...with what happened to Aiko-!

Chiaki:You have. You keep saying we can't be together. And I want to know why. You can trust me. I need you to tell me. Whoever Aiko is, whatever relationship you had with her...Whatever happened to her...I promise it won't happen to me. So please

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