Extra #3:Hope-Filled Surprise Party!

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AN:A huuuuuge thank you to my friend, TheSaiyanJedi5 for helping me out with this chapter!  Also, the image on the top is Tio and Midori's birthday cake. Thanks so much and enjoy! :)

((No one's POV))

Chiaki:Nagito, I need to talk to you. 

Nagito:Sure, Chiaki. What is it?

Chiaki:Tomorrow is their birthday. Tio and Midori's, I mean. 

Nagito:Really? We should do something special for them! 

Chiaki:*nods and smiles* Just what I was thinking.

Nagito:But what should we do? *thinks about fireworks*

Chiaki:I was thinking...A surprise party.

Nagito:Perfect! But we need a distraction to keep them away while we prepare. 

Chiaki:But what?

Nagito:We say we lost something close to us and have them look for it?

Chiaki:That's a good idea. *pulls out the game system Tio had fixed for her and hides it by a tree on a faraway beach* There. That's mine. Nagito?

Nagito:*removes his jacket and hides it in some bushes* There. She won't stop until that's found.

Chiaki:*nods* Then let's get started.

-Later that day-

Chiaki:*explains the jobs to everyone* Alright. First thing's first. Security. We have to make sure Tio and Midori don't walk in on the surprise party while we're setting it up. Nagito and I have planned some distractions, but there's no guarantee that they won't see through them. So Fuyuhiko, Gundham, you guard the door

Fuyuhiko:*nods* Leave it to me. If they come, I'll send 'em off in the wrong direction. *goes to guard the front door*

Gundham:I, Gundham Tanaka, will ensure that no living being sets foot through these doors until the preparations are finished! 

Chiaki:*nods* Next is the cake. Sonia, Akane, and I will make it as soon as I get back. 


Akane:If it involves food, I'm your gal! *smiles brightly*

Chiaki:And finally, decorations. Nagito, you, Hajime, and Kazuichi focus on the decorations.

Hajime:I've never decorated anything before, but I'll give it a shot.

Kazuichi:Maybe I can make a machine that'll make things even easier! The Deco-tron 2000 or something like that.

Nagito:*whispers to Kazuichi* While it would be easier, don't you think using your hands would make Sonia think you're a big strong man? Isn't that what all ladies love? A man that can protect them?

Kazuichi:*nods* Never mind that! We'll do it the old-fashioned way! Step-ladders and using our hands!

Nekomaru:*looks at Chiaki* What about me? What can I do, Chiaki?

Chiaki:Nekomaru...You keep hidden. You'll be the final surprise.

Nekomaru:*nods* Alright. For now, I'll make the drinks. *turns his "ears" and cries out cola from his right eye and roiboos tea from his left* 

Chiaki:Perfect. While they're working on setting everything up...Nagito, let's find Midori and Tio.

Nagito:*nods and finds them in the library*

Never Surrender: A Danganronpa 2 Fanfiction ((Sequel to Mending a Broken Heart))Where stories live. Discover now