Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Prince Charming

I jumped at Bailey and Pan but before I could get to them they disappeared. I sat up and looked around; I had lost her once again, but this time I was going to do something about it. I quickly got back on the horse and rode back to Storybrooke. When I reached there I went straight to Hooks ship “I need your help, Pan took Bailey again” I said getting on his ship.

“And what makes you think I care” Hook said “because I know that she's like a daughter to you. Now this is the only ship that can make it to Never Land and back so we're going to go save her” I said mad getting in Hooks face. “Alright mate, calm down” Hook said as we got things ready “and where might you boys be off to” I turned around and saw Mary Margaret. “Fishing” I said as Hook said “a ride” “hm now where are you really off to” Mary said with a smile and crossing her arms at us.

I sighed “Pan took Bailey again and I'm going to get her back” I said as Mary came on board. “I'm coming with you” Mary said as her smile disappeared “no, you have to stay here” I said to her putting my hands on her arms. “For a second there I thought you were going to say it would be to dangerous” Mary said with a smile and started to help us. I sighed, I knew I couldn't talk her out of it.

I left Emma a voicemail, telling her that Hook, Mary Margaret, and I went on a fishing trip. For all they knew Bailey was still in the cabin and I was on a fishing trip.


We appeared in Never Land on the beach where I had first met Peter. I let go of his hand with a small frown on my face. “What's wrong” Peter asked me “nothing” I said turning away from him. “Star, I know when somethings wrong with you, tell me” Peter said and took a few steps closer to me as I still didn't look at him. I sighed.

“I feel like I've made a bad decision” I said and turned and looked at Peter who looked at me confused I sighed “please seat and listen to me” I said as he sat on a tree log. “Peter for the past few months I've let everything you've done disappear and I acted like it wasn't there. I shouldn't of, Peter I've let my feelings for you cloud everything that you've done. You pretty much killed Henry, then you swapped bodies with him, you've tried to kill everyone at least once”.

Peter stood up “you've been with me on all of this, what are saying” “I'm saying, I'm done, I can't be with you. Peter you kill people, I may have put all of that behind, but I can't now, I'm sorry” I said “wait” Peter said as I was about to walk away. “What can I do” “stop going after them, stop trying to get Henry's heart” “you know I can't do that” Peter said. “Yes you can, you've never need it before” I said as he was silent. “We're threw, don't run after me, don't chase me, just stay away from me” I said and turned round to walk away.

“I see everything on this island” Peter said mad as I first walked into the woods “everything” I heard Pan yell behind me. I started to run threw the woods until I stopped at a tree; a few tears came down my check but I quickly whipped them away. I sat on the ground and laid my head on the tree.

I sighed to myself and closed my eyes until I hear what sounded like yelling. Someone was yelling my name, my eyes flew open and I quickly sat up, listening to the sound of their voice. “Dad” I said almost a whisper and quick ran threw the woods until I didn't hear his voice any more but heard another voice “Hook” I said almost a whisper as well. I continued to run until I stopped when I reached the sand and saw Hooks ship with David and Hook standing on the beach calling my name.

“Hook, dad” I called over to them as they both looked towards me and David had a huge smile on his face. I went to run over to him but all of a sudden I saw Hook drop to the ground and Davids smile went away as he looked at me. “Dad” I said to myself and he dropped to the ground with Pan holding Davids heart with a smile. “NO” I yelled out.

I quickly opened my eyes and looked around, I was still at the tree. I sighed with relief as I realized it was a dream. Until I heard someone calling my name and my head shot up from looking at the ground. “No” I said looking forward.

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