Chapter 6

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Chapter 6



I woke up and looked around, I was on Hooks ship, laying in his bed I sat up; I can't believe I fell for that trick. I looked next to me and found a pair of close, I laughed when I saw that it was the same white, button up shirt, with a white tank top, and black pants with black boots that I had always worn on the ship.

I got dressed and let my hair down and walked up deck to where Hook was behind his wheel. “And the lovely maiden wakes up” Hook says as I turn and looked at him “what did you do” I asked walking up to him mad. “Listen I know you want to go home” Hook said “and what makes you think that” I asked crossing my arms “because if part of you didn't want to you wouldn't have gotten dressed in that”.

I looked at my clothes and sighed leaning on the side of the ship and looked out at the sea. “Your hair is more blond” Hook said and I smiled and turned around still leaning on the side of the ship. “Ya, a lot of time in the sun can do that to you” I said and shook my head, looking around. “Did my father ask you to come and save me, you promised me he wouldn't come” I said mad.

“First off no, at the beginning your father wanted me to but I didn't, and second I promised you that I wouldn't let David come back to never Land. I never said I wouldn't”. I looked at him mad and looked back to the side of me seeing Storybrooke and stood up straight. I did miss this place but never showed it.

Hook stopped the ship and I got off “welcome home” Hook said as I looked around and quick turned back at Hook. “Listen I have to tell you something” “what” Hook asked me confused “Hook I don't even know how to say it but”. Before I could finish I heard a voice behind me “Star”? I turned around and saw Mary Margaret as she ran up to me, hugging me “your back” she pulled away “how” she asked me with a huge smile.

I turned and looked at Hook “you saved her” Hook was silent. “Your father will be so happy to see you” Mary said as she went to poll me away but I stood still “listen I have to say something and if anyone I trust you and Hook the most” I said. She stopped and looked at me “what is it” I sighed “I guess you could say I'm kinda married to Pan”.

Mary Margaret and Hook looked at me shocked “what” Mary asked “say what” hook asked. “Listen I'm sorry but its not like I really had a choice, I needed Pan to trust me and this was the only way” I said looking back at both of them. “Listen no one can tell anyone, especially David” I said.

“Okay” Mary said as Hook still was in shock “where is David” I asked a little nervous. “I'll show you” Mary said grabbing my hand and taking me to the woods “why are we here” I asked Mary. “David comes here around this time every day, I think he hopes that you will show up some how”. She let me go as I took a few steps forward and looked past the tree seeing David sitting on a log, reading Henry's story book.

“I would have thought you would have already known your own story” I said coming out in the open as David quick stood up dropping the book and looking at me surprised. “Bailey, is this a dream” David asked me as I smiled and walked over to him picking up the book that laid in front of his feet. “Well you're my dad, so you tell me, David” I said with a smile. David quick hugged me as I hugged him back.

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