Chapter 15

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Chapter 15



I decided to go back to the diner and make sure everything was okay with Mary Margaret and Henry. “My god, did you know there's something called "cradle cap”” Mary said reading a book as I sat across next to her while Henry sat across from us. “Babies get it on their heads, it's a crusty, yellow, greasy, scaly skin rash. Seriously, this book uses all of those words. Gross” Mary said “ya” Henry said as he was into his video game on his phone.

“I don't think that's how you're going to get to him” I whispered to Mary “I can see that” Mary said as an idea came to my head. “Henry you know, there's a library down the street, we can pop in and get you something, if you'd rather. I know how much you love reading” I said to Henry as he looked up from his game “how'd you know that” “your mom said something about it” I said to Henry. “Cool, let me go get my coat, I'll be right down” Henry said getting up.

“I have an idea that may get some of Henry's memory back” I said getting up “what” Emma asked. “Storybrooke book” I said putting my leather jacket on and Henry joined us “ready” I asked “ya” Henry said as we walked outside and walked to the library. When we walked in I took Henry to the books “I think I have just the book for you” I said and walked over to a closed box that was locked. “Why is a book inside of a box that's locked” Henry asked me as I reached in my pocket and put the key in, opening it.

“Well lets just say that it was once someone's book who left” I said giving Henry the book as he looked at the book. “Once Upon A Time” Henry read the title “what's it about” Henry asked me “all the fairy tales ever told or even not told” I said with a smile. Henry sat down and started to go threw the book “these characters look like the people here in Storybrooke” Henry said as I put some books back. “Ya people say that a lot” I said as I heard Henry go threw the book.

“There's a few pages missing” Henry said and I turned to look at him “what” I said confused and walked over to him. “Ya it starts off with the history of Prince Charming then it skips things and goes to “then he met Snow”” Henry said. I picked up the book and looked at it to see that my part of the story was ripped out. “That's weird” I said as I placed the book down. “Why don't we take you back to Mary Margaret, you can take the book with you” I said to Henry giving him back the book as we headed back to the diner.

When Henry and I arrived at the diner I told Henry that I needed to talk to Mary for a second so he sat at a different table reading the book. “Hey he has the book” Mary Margaret said with a huge smile “ya but something is wrong” I said trying not to show that inside I was freaking out. “What happened” “okay so when I showed Henry the book he was going threw it and he found something” I said. “What” “that in the book my part of the story is gone, ripped out of the book” I said.

“What, how no one has even seen the book since the new curse” Mary Margaret asked me “I know but for some reason I must have put it there because I remembered it being there. I remembered where the book was and that I had the key to get to it” I said as my phone went off. “Listen I have to go, can you watch him, Peter should be coming by her soon” I said to Mary Margaret standing up “ya sure thing” Mary Margaret said as I started to walk out.

“Bailey wait” Henry said “ya” I said stopping as he walked over to me “can I come with” Henry asked me. “I'm sorry Henry but its to dangerous, I'll be back in a little bit” I said and left meeting my dad at the woods.


“We can still catch the person” I said to Regina as we were in her office, trying to make a potion to remember but we couldn't. “How” Regina asked mad “we've been running a con by making this potion in secret. What if we're running the wrong con” I said “I'm sorry, I'm not well versed in cons, unlike you, I never spent time in prison” Regina said the last part under her breath but I still could hear her. “No, it's not something I learned in prison, it's an old bail-bonds trick. You smoke out the perp by making them think you're onto them” I said explaining.

“How does that help us” Regina asked “if the person who cast the curse thought we were about to make a memory potion” “they'd want to stop us” Regina finished. “Yes and then we set a trap for them when they do. We just need to get the word out that you're close to making all this work” I said thinking on who to tell as Regina smiled. “I know just who to tell” Regina said. Leroy.


“Dad over here” I called as everyone ran over to us “he was dragged” I said as my dad looked around “he's there” my dad said pointing to someone laying on the ground as we quickly ran over to them. “Is he alive” someone asked “barely” I said “John, I'm here” Leroy said “we've got you” “I've never seen a bite like that before” I said looking at his bite mark on his shoulder. “No, me neither, okay, help me get him up” David said “we've got to get him some help” I said as we carried him to the hospital.

We sit him down on a bed as the doctors came “what did this to him” Dr. Whale asked us “we don't know” David said as all of a sudden John started to shake uncontrollably. “We need to sedate him” Dr. Whale said as all of a sudden a tale grew out of John and hit everyone as I quickly held him down. All of a sudden it wasn't John anymore, it was a flying monkey. It kicked me and threw me across the room as I hit my head on the stone ground hard.

“Bailey” David ran over to me and helped me sit up as I held the back of my head and John flew threw the window and away. “What the hell was that thing” I asked as I stood up, still holding the back of my head as I got a huge headache “don't look at me, I'm a doctor, not a vet” Dr. Whale said as I let my hand fall to my side as my headache went away. 

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