Jimin: Angst + Fluff Ending 》My sweet bully《

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I was sitting in class alone...
I forgot that today we cancelled class. I sighed and went up to the board.
I grabbed a pencil from the table and started to draw on the board.
I'm okey here at school alone... no one really likes me...

I drew a little girl with flowers on her lap. And wrote something under it.

"You must allow yourself to outgrow. And depart from certain eras of your life. With a gentle sort of nethlessness."

I smiled at it and went down on my knees

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I smiled at it and went down on my knees... trying to ease my breath. I get panic attacks easily and if I'm alone it's the worst.

I like to be alone but sometimes I wish someone would be beside me.
Suddenly I heard a loud 'bang' I looked behind me and saw my classmate and class bully... Jimin.

"Why is nobody here!? I thought I was going to be late." He said loudly and groaned. He let himself fall down on his chair and his bag beside him.

I just turned my head and tried to calm myself down. Why especially he has to be here!?

"Oy! You crybaby! You are here too?" He asked and chuckled silently. I nodded and didn't turn around. I had feelings for him even tho he was bulling me..

I don't know why I loved him so much...
"Why are you infront the board and that ugly drawing..?"
He was liturally insulting me everyday. Making me feel worse and even so good. I smiled and tears ran down my face.

Everytime I'm telling myself it's okey... I deserve to be insulted. I don't deserve his love.
"Oy I'm talking to you!" He said loudly and I could hear him standing up.

I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer. Then everything stopped. You could hear the door being locked. "Wait! Did they just fucking lock us in!?" Jimin shouted pissed.

I looked behind me and saw him trying to open the door but it didn't move. "Shit!!"

I just looked at the ground shocked.
"They closed all doors... I remember that the whole school is cancelled for today, because of a snow storm..." I said blankly.

Jimin just hit the door pissed.
"You mean we are locked until tomorrow morning!?" I nodded and sighed. I stood up and walked to my seat to sit down.

I was blushing because of thinking
... I will spent the night with him here.

Probably me frecing like hell on the floor. It's already cold in here. Jimin just leaned against the wall and was staring at me. It was making me nervous somehow, but he didn't say anything mean yet...

Suddenly I could hear him coming closer. I shrugged together and set my head down on the table.

"Please... don't hurt me today.." I whispered afraid. I love him but he does not love me.
He chuckles. "Who said that I'm gonna hurt you? Are you so afraid of me?" He asked.

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